安娜的派對 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 by Wong Winsome Dumalagan 黃慧心
安娜的派對 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 by Winsome Dumalagan Wong 黃慧心 at JCCAC L3-06D Floating Projects | 2022.09.16-10.09
TEA TIME WITH LORNA 09.24 | 10.08 3:00-4:30pm @ Floating Projects
安娜來了香港三十多年,存在於香港的時間比我還要久,那也很合理,因爲她來了香港才會發生之後的各種事情然後我才會在這個世界出現。喜歡唱歌喜歡說個不停,有時對我來說太噪的她也慢慢在香港找到自己的地方可以搞搞小生意搞搞派對熱鬧開心一下。而每年她也會盡量回菲律賓一次,兒時我也會常常跟她回去,但之後便越來越少。 《安娜的派對》以錄像裝置嘗試呈現我主動或被動有參與的,安娜在香港以及菲律賓的聚會和派對。雖然自小看著維繞在她身邊不同人的各種關係和故事以及人的來來去去,但安娜的記憶印象和我的大概一定會有出入吧,她喜歡和希望的也一定和我有所出入,但我也決定看看能和她撞到甚麼出來,作爲我們之間的一種記錄,而拍攝她對我來説也算是和她的一種游戲玩樂。現實總摻雜碎石和刺痛,但希望她最後還是能被濛瀧的快樂包裹著。(黃慧心)
Lorna has been in Hong Kong for more than 30 years. She has stayed in Hong Kong longer than I have; but that’s very reasonable, I exist in the world because she came to Hong Kong and encountered different things. She likes singing and talking, and could be too noisy to me sometimes. Overtime, she has gradually found her place in Hong Kong where she could run a small business and hold parties for her own happiness. She would try to go back to the Philippines once a year and often brought me with her when I was a kid, but as I grew older I haven't been going back as often. In 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚, I attempt to portray those parties and gatherings Lorna has been to, both in Hong Kong and in the Philippines (and which I took the initiative to or passively joined) through multiple video installations. Even though I’ve witnessed the different relationships among a lot of people around her and the come and go of people since I was young, her memories and impressions must differ from mine, and what she likes and hopes for would be different from me as well. I’m still curious about what we could mashup or crash, as a record between the two of us, while I feel like capturing her is a kind of game of fun between us. The reality is always mixed with gravel and twinges, but I hope she could still be surrounded by hazy blissfulness. (Winsome Dumalagan Wong)
OPEN DOOR 據點。句點(石硤尾白田街30號JCCAC L3-06D) 每日二至八,星期一除外 Floating Projects (L3-06D JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street) Tue-Sun 2-8pm Daily (Closed on Monday) Title Handwriting by Lorna Contact: Instagram: wsome_wd
Supported by 資助 : Hong Kong Arts Development Council | 香港藝術發展局 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.