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No Private Histories: Quantifying the Invisibles in Official Statistics: Domestic Moonlighting 1960s... 家居副業的生產力。只能在郵包和郵資找到的存在證據。1960年代的香港家居勞動力

No Private Histories: Quantifying the Invisibles in Official Statistics: Domestic Moonlighting 1960s... 家居副業的生產力。只能在郵包和郵資找到的存在證據。1960年代的香港家居勞動力

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Domestic Moonlighting (2023) adapts a work commissioned for the 9th Shanghai Biennale (2012-13). In the current iteration, Linda Lai highlights domestic moonlighting by women and children in HK in the 1960s-80s, estimated to value at postal volume of 57.5 million kg for RMB94.7 million, sent from Hong Kong to China. 《家居副業》(2023)。黎肖嫻的郵政考察顯示出上世紀六十到八十年代期間,香港婦女和小孩的家居副業從香港向中國支援,投遞了約五千七百五十萬公斤的小郵包物資,郵資總值九千四百七十萬人民幣。還有...

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Curator Ying-chi Tang sees the present in the 5 stories of the past that harp back onto the 1960s-1970s, arguing that the public and domestic are integrally one, as the artists in the group show present. 策展人鄧凝姿眼中的「縫補歲月」不單是上世紀的六七十年代,也是構成今天的一部份;透過五位創作者的視野,她看見公共領域和家居細活之間的千絲萬縷。

《冷風中 我在》 I’m here.  In the cold wind.

《冷風中 我在》 I’m here. In the cold wind.

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Elaine Wong recalls her Mom listening to Shirley Kwan's “A Solo Song” alone in the dark, and finds the same sentiment in a line sung by Cantonese opera diva Fong Yim-fun, “I've done nothing wrong, why am I suffering?” – which speaks of many grass-root females's mind in the 1970s. 黃淑賢的媽媽喜歡唱歌,偏偏聲帶出狀況,發不了高音。有一段日子,她經常獨個兒在漆黑的客廳坐在沙發上,播放着關淑怡的《一首獨唱的歌》,令她想起七十年代草根女性愛聽的芳艷芬的一段細訴:「今生我無做錯 何以何以累我受此折磨。」

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

More wavering thought paths… Is remembering the same as nostalgia? What does street photography remember? Shall I be pretty, shall I be loved? What would happen to to me when I die? There are moments when you must spit it out… #4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 記住就是懷舊了嗎?街頭攝影可記住的是甚麼?我長大後會漂亮嗎?會有人愛我嗎?我死了以後會怎樣?有些事情,確實不吐不快。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,更多搖擺的思路。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。

Floating Projects Collective 2025