Micro Narratives 2022: performative videography
Magic | Being | Experiences | Materialist Assemblage | Subjectivities as objectiles
7:00-9:30pm @ Floating Projects **Welcome to drop by early 6:00-ish to join us for a simple X'mas dinner
20+ young videographers from the School of Creative will screen videos of their own choice to celebrate a semester-long concept driven workshop on videography, creativity, and a survey study of discourses of experimental action in moving image history…
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All 29 video works will be playing on site , grouped and looped on four screens starting Wednesday, 28 December 2022 to 11 January 2023. Please visit any time, 2-8pm Tuesdays to Sundays.
CHAN On-tung 陳安彤 | Chelsea CHENG 鄭映彤 | DENG Yuanyuan 鄧緣圓 | Elora Ferraris | Angela Fung 馮樂兒 | Marek Gollan | Jaron Kuehmstedt | Tate Kwan 關樂同 | Kiki Kwok 郭靖錡 | Martha Lai 黎苡臻 | Melody Li 李清美 | Benita Leonie Liere | Longman Luk 陸朗文 | Valerie Mak | Green Mok 莫育權 | Luca Serdaroglu | Claire Tam 譚智詠 | TSE Hiu-yin 謝曉妍 | Scarlett Ty 池樂兒 | WANG Lejian 王樂謙 | Yan WANG 汪淑欣 | WU Tsz-ki 胡芷淇 | Abby Yuen 袁栩晴 |
KWOK Ching-ki Kiki 郭靖錡: Falling (1m44s)
Cheng Ying-tung 鄭映彤: Open It (1m41s)
Angela Fung (FUNG Lok-yi) 馮樂兒: Anxious (45s)
Wu Tsz-ki 胡芷淇: Phantom islands 幻 島 (2m14s)
LI Qingmei Melody 李清美: Moments will pass: they say it's not your personal crusade (17m38s)
MOK Yuk-kuen Green 莫育權: Melancholic (4m01s):
Benita Leonie Liere: Untitled [generative possibilities] (52s)
Jaron Kuehmstedt: Untitled [generative possibilities] (2m37s)
CHENG Ying-tung Chelsea 鄭映彤: Through (1m09s)
DENG Yuanyuan 鄧緣圓: Voyage 漂流 (12m34s)
TSE Hiu-yin 謝曉妍: Untitled [“life is fragmented but continuous"] (2m07s)
WANG Shuxin Yan 汪淑欣: Untitled (1m)
Abby Yuen (YUEN Hiu-ching) 袁栩晴: Untitled (3m02s)
MOK Yuk-kuen Green 莫育權: In Between the Shadows (2m37s)
Abby Yuen 袁栩晴: Untitled (3m59s)
Marek Gollan: Nostalgia (1m44s)
TY Lok Yi Scarlett 池樂兒: Untitled [on making an effort to remember] (3m)
KWAN Lok-tung Tate 關樂同: Untitled [on a long-distance relationship] (5m47s)
Luca Serdaroglu: Take a 15-second Rest (35s)
Longman Luk: A spinning 360 camera: FPS vs RPM (3m30s)
Jaron Kuehmstedt: OCTV – Open Circuit Television: a live video installation (documentation) (5m31s)
Elora Ferraris: Beba CocaCola (1m53s)
WANG Lejian 王樂諫: Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly 莊周夢蝶 (4m03s)
TY Lok-yi Scarlett 池樂兒: An ongoing train heading to an unknown destination (3m05s)
TAM Chi-wing Clarie 譚智詠: Dalloway (8m01s)
CHAN On-tung 陳安彤: My Own Recipe (4m32s)
Valerie Mak: On the Road (5m20s)
WANG Lejian 王樂諫: Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue, a found footage exercise (3m20s)
Martha Lai 黎苡臻: Untitled [The drunken cat 醉貓] (55s)