微叙事: 一簇索引 , 滿地熒光 錄像投影裝置 | Micro-Narratives Expanding: Invented Time-Space Video installation
| 微叙事: 一簇索引 , 滿地熒光 錄像投影裝置 | Micro-Narratives Expanding: Invented Time-Space Video installation
+The program described here was partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. 9042111 / CityU 11404614): "Where Else to Look" on alternative screen practices in HK 展覽日期: 十二月十五日 (星期二) 至一月十日 (星期日) 開放時間: 星期二至日,中午十二 至 晚上八時(星期一休息) 開幕及藝術家分享: 十二月十五日 (星期二) 晚上七時正 單窗作品放映: 一月九日 (星期六) 下午四時正 至 晚上六時正- 《塑形錄像》(詳情) (短简) Exhibition Period: 16.12.2015 (Tue) - 10.1.2016 (Sun) Opening hours: 12nn - 8pm (Tue - Sun) Opening and Artist Talk: 15.12.2015 (Tue) 7:00pm Single-channel Screening: 9.1.2015 (Sat) 4pm - 6pm - CONCRETE VIDEOS (more details )(quick run-down) - Talking to a person you meet for the first and only time. I will not make myself a picture of you. Don’t make yourself a picture of me. In love with a constant mode of transgression. Let us think of authorship as something fluid, not something that can be allocated to one single person. Burn our works and leave by the light of the fire. Our nerves are triggered by the flickering shadows - uncontainable, unrecognisable. 你說一把火燒掉自己的作品, 但不只是你, 還有光和身後被距離拉得瘦瘦長長的影子。 你我的身影互相映照著,再也分不清。 是現實也許是幻象,是錄像也許是妄想, 讓這些妄想擴展這個世界的想像。 一場盛宴將要開始,或會有天使降下來細察。 影像會告訴你它的故事,只要你可以把它們連結起來。 (所有參與藝術家一同創作的文字) (a collaborative text written by all participating artists) -
| 參與藝術家 Participating Artists
BHEND, Meret 龙 麵包 CHAN Siu Lung, Ryan 陳小龍 CHIM Anna 詹可瑩 DING Cheuk Laam 丁卓藍 LAU Yik Kiu 劉翊翹 LUK Ka Man, Karmen 陸家敏 SHUM Wing Pui, Gloria 岑泳霈 TSANG Yuk Hei, Don 曾旭熙 WONG, Dorothy 黃加頌 YAN Wai Yin 忻慧妍 URBANO, Jose Fernand Salamero Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/516412578540659/