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CIRCUIT: Experimental Movie/Video Installation for new cognition 「虛遊迴路」:感知的拓展,冥想與非主流電影院

CIRCUIT: Experimental Movie/Video Installation for new cognition 「虛遊迴路」:感知的拓展,冥想與非主流電影院

What could expanded cinema be in the digital age when the impulses to understand multi-level consciousness could be articulated as the meeting of hardware and audio-visual data to be completed by visitors? Stanley Ng's experiment Circuit materializes all this, and further turns the installation site into that of meditation, the meeting one's selves.

Abby Yuen / Tool-Being (2): Texture? Abstraction? It all began with my semi-analogue synthesiser  「工具在,我在」(二):抽象、質感,由造聲開始

Abby Yuen / Tool-Being (2): Texture? Abstraction? It all began with my semi-analogue synthesiser 「工具在,我在」(二):抽象、質感,由造聲開始

Second of the “tool-being'” series. What new insights would we have of our experiences if humans and tools/machines are understood as an assemblage, coming into the presence of each other to seek collaborative possibilities? Abby Yuen reveals how her abstract video of foams was the result of a sound machine she made.

24 videographers / 29 Micro Narratives: Objectiles of Forms of Living, the "I" at work |29個微敘事:「我」,存活的體態步步延伸

24 videographers / 29 Micro Narratives: Objectiles of Forms of Living, the "I" at work |29個微敘事:「我」,存活的體態步步延伸

On 21 December 2022, 24 videographers from the Micro Narrative Laboratory presented 29 short pieces of videography enacting their presence... Varied voices. Contrasting disposition. A broad range of artistic and media resources… The works will stay on-site at Floating Projects on FOUR parallel screens 24-31 December.

Linda Lai / Emotions, Magic, Tool-being, Assemblage: Performative Videography, Micro Narratives 2022 寫情緒。玩戲法。工具在,我在。聚疊。2022微敘事選輯。抒演性錄像書寫
Cher / Action in Love: the making of “How I met your mother” 李祉昕《浪漫史》,為了學習感悟。據點打開門。

Cher / Action in Love: the making of “How I met your mother” 李祉昕《浪漫史》,為了學習感悟。據點打開門。

While deeply aware of the underlying tensions in all love relationship, fresh graduate Cher believes it’s very worthwhile to preserve and present the blissful moments of a couple, even if just for a moment. Thus started her months-long action research — photography as an event — to act out as a sonder person. 對周遭的人的感悟有多少?李祉昕以行動出發,攝影是牽動關係的探索行動,為了展出,更是為了接觸別人和自學。

Why and how I made Gingerbread Man’s Destiny, notes to a pop-up show 薑餅人命運的聯想:動物平權創作手記

Why and how I made Gingerbread Man’s Destiny, notes to a pop-up show 薑餅人命運的聯想:動物平權創作手記

“Is double standard the emblem of our social reality?” — Niki Siu’s annotations on her week-long POP-UP “Laugh At Last: Gingerbread Man’s Destiny” at Floating Projects, 8-14 May 2021, the result of a half-year long thesis-art production.「雙重標準是社會現實的代表?」蕭麗琦為她的畢業論文作品作註腳,從民間流傳的故事薑餅人說起。

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

19 June 2021 六月十九日. Three video essays on living through time with one’s bodily presence. Tracey Ngai acts out her retrospection. Faith Monsod turns image objects into a passage to the infinite liminal. Pun Tsz-wai’s past resides in media artefacts and urban legends. Three fresh videos completed in May 2021, premiered at Floating Projects. 三個今年五月新鮮出爐的錄像文章。據點首次亮相。記憶是甚麼?我是誰?我的根是甚麼?用身體的實存與行動。魏芷軍演述;潘子懷在都市神話中設置自己;Faith Monsod 的主體盡在可翻開可啄蘑的聲影碎片中。

NGAI Tsz-kwan / A Trip to “There” — an indefinite journey that fuels itself 在記述的軌道上作內部連結:《我在追憶,我在追,我在》

NGAI Tsz-kwan / A Trip to “There” — an indefinite journey that fuels itself 在記述的軌道上作內部連結:《我在追憶,我在追,我在》

It is perhaps a maker’s natural obsession to narrate oneself, deliberately or not, but through one’s life-time. A Trip to There, Tracey’s graduation thesis, is in a way a monumental push to enter this journey in flux. Embracing all she can, there also always seems to be void to fill. Traces of her having been there are as concrete with a forensic rigor. 每個創作者都曾經 — 以至窮盡一生 — 有意識或不自覺的記述自我。年青藝術創作人魏芷軍很用力的穿過這甬道,滿滿的收穫,卻又惘然若失。實在的卻是用時間和身體鑄出來的創作道途。愛看(錄像)作品的朋友們:這裡,你會讀到一個認真地記下來的寶貴創作歷程。潛進後,我們會對藝術的耕耘多一份敬意嗎?

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Is there an intangible essence that might embody who we are? What positions do memories hold in forming one’s identity? Do our physical bodies suffice in representing us? How much of our sense of self relies on the reflexive process that governs our interpersonal relationships? HK-born Faith Monsod commits her graduation thesis to the quest.「我是誰」可以被理解為無形的實質嗎?例如,記憶能賦予我個人身份嗎?我的身體足以表徵我時誰?我的「自我意識」有多少是由我與別人的變動中的關係所衍生的?出生於香港的 Faith Monsod 用一個21分鐘的畢業作品去回應。

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

“Born in the later part of 97, I never got to experience Lai Yuen. For me, it is a place constructed by words and stories. … I would hear bits and pieces about the park and, somehow, it became part of my own childhood, part of my own memory.” (Pun Tsz-wai)「我出生於1997年的下半年,從未經驗過荔園是怎樣的。它是個由別人的字詞和故事合成的地方。一點一滴的聽著,荔園好像就是我自己的童年,是我個人的記憶。」– 潘子懷

Floating Projects Collective 2025