後#MeToo藝術 Post #MeToo Art
展覽簡介 About the show 2017年 #Metoo 運動在國際間得到廣泛的傳播,許多人用這個主題標籤在社交媒體講述自己被性侵的故事,香港也有呂麗瑤事件,#ChurchToo 和 #ProtestToo,顯示了多個問題,包括性侵犯問題的普遍性,不分性別,漏報嚴重,歧視指責受害人的扭曲文化及網路審判的普遍恐懼等,運動旨在打破沉默,用同理心為受害者賦權加力。#MeToo 後,藝術在這個議題上還可以做些甚麼?後#MeToo藝術集合了12組藝術家不同的答案 ,作品延續#MeToo自發的力量,嘗試引起公眾對性暴力議題的持續關注。 藝術家: 一班香港嘅師奶、文晶瑩、吳王夫差、吳傲雪、梁以瑚、陳從菲、象小姐、温倩蘅(小肥)、黃嘉瀛、魂游、Aurelia Giovanni Laksmana、Yuet Zuki Wong 策展人:文晶瑩 網址: postmetooart.wixsite.com/2020
工作坊合辦機構:Anti480 反性暴力資源中心、480.0性別x藝術空間 支持機構:香港美術教育協會 場地贊助:賽馬會創意藝術中心 資助:香港藝術發展局
The #MeToo movement spread all over the world in 2017. Many people use this hashtag to tell stories on social media,, of them having been sexually assaulted in the past. There were incidents like Lui LaiYiu, #ChurchToo and #ProtestToo in Hong Kong. This shows the generality of the problem, regardless of gender, serious underreporting, victim blaming and the general fear of online trials, etc. The campaign aims to break the silence and empower the victims with empathy and strength in numbers. After #MeToo, what else can art do on this topic? Twelve artists of Post #MeToo Art Exhibition have different answers. Their art tried to extend the spontaneous power of #MeToo and enhance the public's awareness of issues of sexual violence. Artists: A Group of “Si-nais” in Hong Kong, Phoebe Man, NG and WONG, Sonia Ng, Evelyna Liang, Chan Chung Fei, Miss Elephant, Wun Sinhang Cynthia (Siu Fei), Wong Kaying, wen yau, Aurelia Giovanni Laksmana, Yuet Zuki Wong Curator: Phoebe Man Website: https://postmetooart.wixsite.com/2020
Co-presented by Why Not & Floating Projects
Workshops co-presented by Anti480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre & 480.0 Gender & Art Space Venue Sponsor: The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Supported by Hong Kong Society for Education in Art , Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.