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Siu Fei / 藝術場合, 藝術解決 — 回應《後#MeToo》藝術展覽公仔被露胸事件 “Like and…” at Post#MeToo Art exhibition. 2020.03.11-18

Siu Fei / 藝術場合, 藝術解決 — 回應《後#MeToo》藝術展覽公仔被露胸事件 “Like and…” at Post#MeToo Art exhibition. 2020.03.11-18

《後#MeToo藝術》一共有12個/組藝術家,16組作品,於賽馬會創意藝術中心L1藝廊和據點空間舉行。當中的小風波也許就是未來的大事件的思源。從2017年#Metoo 運動在國際間的廣泛傳播到一件作品的一件小事,在這裡我們分享的是參與藝術家温倩蘅(小肥, Wun Sin-hang Cynthia, aka Siu Fei)的筆記,在全景中帶著點睛作用,留給我們細味的空間。A docent at the Post #MeToo Art Exhibition found that the dolls’ clothes were unbuttoned, their breasts of the dolls exposed; it felt like they were being sexually assaulted. Soon after the docent immediately buttoned up the dolls, artist Siu Fei installed a board to the doll set that says, “Don’t touch my body !!” Here’s the artist’s own notes on the incident.

Floating Projects Collective 2025