《夢遊者之夢野》Sleepwalkers’ Vision
藝術家 Artist: 挨壁靠事務所 Epical Chamber (梁嘉文 Leung Ka Man + 梁御東 Ocean Leung)
展期 Exhibition Period:20/11/2020.11.20-2020.12.05 @ 據點。句點 Floating Projects
藝術家座談 Artist's talk: 6:30-7:30pm, 2020.12.05 (sat) | guest discussants: COME INSIDE, Wong Chun-hoi 王鎮海
地址 Address:九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D (港鐵石硤尾站C出口,步行約5至8分鐘) L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon (MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C, 5-8 mins walk)
開幕 Opening Reception
21/11/2020 6pm - 8pm
藝術家分享 Artist Chat ** Go online , detail will be announced soon 改為網上座談會,詳情不日公佈
5/12/2020 6:30pm - 8pm 據點。句點 Floating Projects 嘉賓 Guest:COME INSIDE,王鎮海 Wong Chun Hoi
[exhibition new arrangement] 《夢遊者之夢野》展覽特別安排,由即時起,請先預約方可觀展,請在到訪前兩小時預約,麻煩晒大家,保重呀! Due to the escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak, a special arrangement for visiting exhibition Sleepwalkers’ Vision will be effective starting from 1st Dec,2020, please reserve not less than 2 hours before your visit. Take care! 請以下列方法預約觀展。Please contact us for a reservation by any of the following channels . 聯絡 Contacts: email 電郵 : epicalchamber@gmail.com instagram direct message: ig@epicalchamber facebook direct message: fb@挨壁靠事務所 epical chamber **
《夢遊者之夢野》 又夢遊[1]。眼睛半睜還是張開,在此地行走、奔跑,往我們夢中的路。夢着那裡,我們在這邊疾馳、向前、建起屏障、跨過障礙、一磚一瓦拋向夢裡築牆。漫天煙霧,火光閃爍,彼此臉容缺失,但感覺無名親近。 這裡,有時天空墜下一陀藍色的浪,雨如鐵一般堅硬又凶惡,甫下地即化作刺眼的雲逼人流淚。他們說我記得,我說我不記得;他們說沒有發生,我說我記得,而且還不時記起。我記得瘀傷腫了起來硬化成鳥喙。在空中與地上的同伴奔跑。記得海水的黑與冷。甚至還記得抵達地獄與獄卒戰舞[2]。 《夢遊者之夢野》 展出一系列錄像作品。從日常閒談、問卷調查和新聞報導搜集片言隻語,重構一群夢遊者的視角,夢囈般述說着夢遊者如何在街上遊走。傾聽他們的身體記憶和情緒,打開有意無意隱蔽着的疑問和故事。 《夢遊者之夢野》是 挨壁靠事務所 首個展覽,於 據點。句點 發生;挨壁靠事務所 是由梁嘉文和梁御東組成的藝術小組,搜集生活故事,建構當下微小零碎的敘事詩。
About “Sleepwalkers’ Vision” We are sleepwalking again. With eyes half or all open, walking and running on this land, on the road into our dreams. Dreaming of yonder place, here we gallop, charge forward, build barricades, cross obstacles, throw bricks and tiles into the dream to build walls. Smoke fills the sky, in the flickering flames our faces disappear, yet we feel incredibly close. Here, sometimes blue waves fall from the sky; hard and fierce like iron, upon touching the ground, the rain turns into blinding clouds that call upon tears. They say I remember, I say I remember not; they say it never happened, I say I remember it, from time to time. I remember the swollen bruise, hardening into a bird’s beak. Racing in the air with comrades on the ground. I remember the blackness and coldness of the sea. I remember even the arrival at Hell and the war dance with the gatekeeper. “Sleepwalkers’ Vision” features a series of video works. Collecting fragments from daily conversations, questionnaires and news reports, it attempts to reconstruct the perspectives of sleepwalkers, somniloquying their traverses on the streets. By listening to their bodily memories and emotions, it opens up questions and stories that are hidden, consciously or unconsciously. “Sleepwalkers’ Vision” is the first exhibition of Epical Chamber, held in Floating Projects. Epical Chamber is an artist group formed by Leung Ka Man and Ocean Leung, who collect everyday stories to construct narrative poetry of the now, the minuscule and fragmentary.
[1] 處於夢遊狀態,夢遊者的個人意識十分薄弱,人的行為可能由無意識運作,大腦負責意識功能部分在休息,負責四肢活動的功能仍然活躍。(另,行走的肉身軀幹非由個人意志驅動。鬼上身、喪屍成群之影視橋段,具驚嚇企圖同時強調個人意識的(被)消失。)
In the state of sleepwalking, the self-consciousness of the sleepwalker is very low. Behaviours may be dictated by the unconscious. The part of the brain responsible for conscious function is at rest, while that which is responsible for bodily movements is still active. (On the other hand, the walking body is not controlled by the individual will. Dramatic plots of the possessed and zombie herds, while aiming to scare also emphasise the loss of individual consciousness.)
[2] 夢遊期間除躺卧床上,夢遊者也像日常生活一樣進食、行走,進行各樣活動,據報道,有人從高處墮下,有人會做出攻擊行為等等。夢遊者對夢遊期間做過的事,沒有甚麼記憶。個體記憶缺失不由自主,聽着別人從真實虛構故事,對重構的述說充滿懷疑。 During sleepwalking, in addition to lying on the bed, sleepwalkers also eat, walk, and perform various activities as they do in daily life. According to reports, some people fell from height, some performed aggressive acts, and so on. Sleepwalkers have hardly any memory of what they did during sleepwalking. Individual memory loss is involuntary. Listening to other people’s fictional stories created from reality, one becomes full of doubts about the reconstructed narrative.
展覽支援:盧思敏 林釗賢 小青 乜都知 劉慧嵐 梁正 CHO左LAI禮WA華OSKAR 曾恩彤 劉志鏗 翻譯:李挽靈 陳寧 場地贊助:據點。句點
Exhibition support: Simone Lo James Lam Chingb Middle G Lau Wai Laam Leung Ching Anthony CHO左LAI禮WA華OSKAR Tsang Yan Tung Herman Lau Translation: Mary Lee Nin Chan Venue Sponsor: Floating Projects
instagram @epicalchamber facebook @挨壁靠事務所 Epical Chamber