“Slow-So TV” -Ann Eilathan's Gaze A solo exhibition by Natalie Lo Lai Lai 漫慢電視 – 安.伊莉亞森的凝視 勞麗麗個人展覽
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漫慢電視 – 安.伊莉亞森的凝視 勞麗麗個人展覽
2016年5月7日(五)﹣ 5月22日(日)(星期一休館)
5月7日 (星期六) | 下午4:00 – 6:00 黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈 8 樓 D 室
--- 對於安.伊莉亞森的事,有時候我感到愛莫能助。 眼珠定在微塵中某一點,我懷疑她能看到空氣飄浮的塵埃及微生物, 透露的情緒是哀傷還是平靜?說不清所以來。 或許她曾跟百貨公司中的塑膠娃娃換個表情。 盒子外崩壞紛亂,混沌不明的,血液灌流下降,思緒紊亂不定,隔斷的心悸胸悶,表象卻仍是一片平和,她卻告訴我魄魂老早外遊,分神是常態, 吃一口稀爛的布甸之後,才發現那指綠為藍的鐵鍋乾燒,發出吱吱不斷的怪叫聲。連下一個呼吸還未及完成,思緒又飛走了。 表面證供顯示,她患上分神症。 我只能介紹她安裝「漫慢電視」,它沒有嘗試申請廣播牌照,它不過是一個地下電視台。不,它其實是一組錄像裝置,各式各樣內容不一的節目不斷播放,百無了賴的田野風光,昔日南國的海、說不出聲的報導員、厭食食譜、生日蛋糕自家做......沒事兒。她開始看得出神,靜待著有甚麼出奇不意的東西來臨,又或是監視甚麼,眼光跟屏幕糾纏,與之對望,她的眼光變得不再空洞,有時候顯得軟弱無力,有時候卻又會透出一線希望。 淡淡然分神了,就轉個台。 「漫慢電視﹣﹣﹣安.伊莉亞森的凝視」為勞麗麗於香港首次個展,隆出推出「漫慢電視」錄像裝置。
除 5 月 7 日開幕外,裝置示範期間舉行兩場現場特備節目,歡迎光臨:
5 月 14 日 (六): 現場特備節目一/訪問清談茶會節目 ﹣ 藝術家分享會/ 4pm
5 月 21 日 (六) : 現場特備節目二/水星逆行﹣強迫性慢駛 / 4pm / 特別嘉賓:毛神神占星愛好者
藝術家簡介 lolailai.com(網頁緩慢更新) 勞麗麗是一位「退役」旅遊記者。現專注於與旅遊及大自然生態有關的藝術創作,卻不斷分心。她過去的創作靈感來自多方面,包括懷舊旅遊、棲息地、文化及大眾旅遊業對旅客所做成的心理影響。麗麗現時在生活館學習務農之餘並探索「半農半X」生活方式。老掉牙兒的半杯滿水跟半個空杯。她可以變成XYZ,但也可是塊不完整的餅。這種生活實踐促使她對另類生活模式,以及作為一位香港人兼藝術創作者的自主性作出提問。近期,她主要硏究的課題跟食物、農耕、蘊釀、慢駛、監視、冥想相關。
“Slow-So TV” -Ann Eilathan's Gaze A solo exhibition by Natalie Lo Lai Lai
7– 22 May 2016 (Close on Mondays)
Opening reception with the artist
7 May 2016 (Saturday) | 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Floating Projects
Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Press release download here Press photos download here
--- Sometimes, I feel my hands are tied on things with Ann Eilathan. Her eyes fix on a tiny spot of dust. I suspect if she could see the micro-organisms or dust floating in the air, and if her eyes are telling her grief or calmness. It's hard to tell. Perhaps she has swapped her face with a doll's in the department store. Outside the box, collapsing into chaos, blood down-streaming, mind confused, heart trembling and chest tightened every so often; but her appearance remains calm. She tells me that her soul has long gone, that distraction is normal. Mouthing a pulpy pudding, by then she realizes that the dry pan, which often confuses blue with green, is sneezing and burning on the stove. Before she could take a breath, her mind drifts away once again. Evidently, she is suffering from distractibility. All I could do is to introduce the “Slow-So TV” to Ann. It has had no attempt to get any broadcasting license. It is an underground TV channel. No, it is a set of video installation, with all kinds of programmes aired at all times: boring country sceneries, oceans of the south from the old days, reporter without a voice, recipes for anorexia, a DIY birthday cake... nothing special. She starts watching with full attention, waiting for surprises, or peeping on something. Her gaze entangles with that of the monitor, both staring at one another. Her eyes are not empty anymore, sometimes they look weak, while sometimes there is hope. Tranquilly distracted again, she then switches the channel.
“Ann Eilathan's Gaze”--- First solo exhibition of Natalie LO Lai-lai in Hong Kong, proudly present “Slow-So TV” video installation.
Apart from the opening on 7 May, there are two special programmes during the installation demonstration period. All are welcomed.
14 May, Saturday, 4pm --- Special programme 1 / Tea party interview / Artist's sharing
21 May, Saturday, 4pm --- Special programme 2 / Mercury Retrograde – Compulsive Slowness/ Special guest: Astrology lovers from MoSunSun group
About the artist lolailai.com (updates are made in slow progress) Lo is a “retired travel journalist,” now focused upon the making of tourism and nature but is always distracted. Her past works were triggered by ideas about nostalgic travel, resting places, culture and the psychological effects of tourism on travelers. She is a learner at the collective organic farm Sangwoodgoon (Hong Kong) and explores the lifestyle of “Half-Farming, Half-X .” This might mean that she is mutative and always incomplete. Such a practice challenges her to question alternative living and the autonomy of being as both a Hongkonger and an artist. Food, farming, fermentation, slow-driving, surveillance, meditation are her most recent areas of research.