SOUND MOVEMENT ~ Object Articulation Workshop with suzueri 鈴木英倫子 物動聲移 工作坊
[Please Scroll down for English] 鈴木英倫子 物動聲移 工作坊
此工作坊為 “空中集氣〞系列項目之一,由日本聲音藝術家 鈴木英倫子 (suzueri) 帶領,和參加者一起拆解重構日常物件、樂器及發聲物件,並且合力拼貼組合成一組意想不到的魯布·戈德堡機械(Rube Goldberg machine),把整個據點.句點藝術空間轉化為一件巨型樂器!
工作坊日期: 1/1/2019(星期二)
地點 : Floating Projects 據點。句點
地址 :賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D
時間 : 2:00pm – 5:00pm
費用:成人 $150 | 全日制學生^ $100
***參加者無需任何電子作業經驗,只肯嘗試即可。 ***
參加者請帶兩件會製造聲音的日常物件,小型家用電器,樂器或玩具,作為工作坊創作之用。 你所帶來的物件極有可能在會在工作坊期間被拆解或改裝,請自行判斷物件的價值,如閣下私人物品有任何損毀、本機構及工作坊導師均不會負責,敬希留意。
>>立即登記 ! Registration NOW! https://goo.gl/ZpgyyX 截止報名日期: 30.12.2018 查迿: contact@floatingprojectscollective.net / 6421 8378 ( 海狗) ^請於活動當日攜帶學生證 * 活動將以英語進行 ,提供廣東話翻譯
>>>>>>>>>>成果展覽: 2/1/2019 -20/1/2019<<<<<<<<<<<<
工作坊導師: 鈴木英倫子 Elico Suzuki (a.k.a. suzueri)
鈴木英倫子為活躍的聲音藝術家及即興演奏者,現居日本東京,曾於武蔵野美術大學(東京)修讀藝術,並於情報科學藝術大學院大學(大垣)鑽研媒體藝術,現擔任武蔵野美術大學客席講師。 鈴木氐 的演出和創作往往用上複雜的自製裝置去玩弄鋼琴等樂器,為求探討 器具及其意像之間的留白與敘事性。她曾於NTT InterCommunication Center (東京) 舉辦個人展覽 “The Moon of Jungfrau”,近期參與展覽 “SFX Seoul” (Alternative LOOP Space, 南韓 , 2018) ,以及聯同 Roger Turner、秋山徹次、大城真創作專輯 “Live at Ftarri” (Ftarri, 2016). http://suzueri.org/ //
Sound Movement ~ Object Articulation Workshop with Suzeri
One of the special programs brought by intersection in midair, the workshop invites participants to improvise with everyday objects, instruments, and “phonate” matters and turn them into playful sound-making components though a series of reconstruction and rearrangement lead by Japanese sound artist Elico Suzuki (suzueri). With reference to the Rube Goldberg machine, all the bits and pieces will be recomposed and built into a huge mechanical collage that takes over the entire exhibition space of Floating Projects! During the workshop, suzueri will introduce her home-made electronic-based installations and mechanical kits, followed by a series of performative experimentations (including her own sets of objects and marbles) that ignites the vividness in daily objects, and also illustrates the dynamic interactions in playing around with machines, objects, and sound. The resulting machine will be presented in form of an exhibition in Floating Projects. All makers are welcome. Come and join us for a taste of hands-on experiments mixed with joy, hesitation… and of course, countless rounds of trial and error. //
Date: 1/1/2019 (Tue) Venue : Floating Projects 據點。句點 Address:L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC)
Time : 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Quota:10 People|RSVP
Fee:Adult $150 | Full-time student ^ $100
***Prior experience in electronics is not required. ***
Please bring along 2 objects, (It can be home electronics, music instruments or any toys that give sound.) However, please be reminded that these objects will be disassembled and mechanically altered during the workshop and might no longer return to its original state afterwards. The organiser and workshop leader will not take any responsibility nor be liable for any damage.
>> Registration NOW! : https://goo.gl/ZpgyyX
Registration Deadline : 30/12/2018
Contact: contact@floatingprojectscollective.net / 6421 8378 (hoi)
^ Please bring along your student card
*Conducted in English (With Cantonese translation if needed) //
About the Workshop Leader - Elico Suzuki (aka. suzueri) Elico Suzuki (aka. suzueri) is one of notable Tokyo based sound artist and improviser. Elico Suzuki (aka. suzueri) is a prominent sound artist and improviser based in Tokyo. Prior to teaching at the Musashino Art University as a guest lecturer since 2018, Suzuki studied Fine Art in Musashino Art University in Tokyo, followed by a more in-depth research in Media Art at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in Ōgaki, Gifu, Japan. Her recent interests incline towards exploring the gaps and narrativity between the interactions of instruments and particular embodiments in forms of performance, complex interfaces, and various handmade devices that work around with pianos and other instruments. Recent presentations of her works have included 'The Moon of Jungfrau (solo exhibition, NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, Japan 2007), 'SFX Seoul' (group exhibition, Alternative LOOP Space,Korea,2018) and 'Live at Ftarri' with Roger Turner, Tetuzi Akiyama, and Makoto Oshiro (album[CD],Ftarri, 2016), among others. http://suzueri.org/
>>>>>Outcome Exhibition: 2nd -20th JAN, 2019<<<<<<
// Supported by Hong Kong Art Development Council 香港藝術發展局資助