Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.02- Post SICD temporary Grassroots youth art workers 2015- | 據點空間壓力測試 0.02 - 後南港島藝術區臨時草根青年工人們2015
19th September , 2015 (Sat); 7:30pm @ Floating Projects (8D, no. 40 Wong Chuk Hang Road)
calibrating technicians: Post SICD temporary Grassroots youth art workers 2015
FP's amoeba-mode artistic production site will turn into a spatial-pressure testing environment. Everyday objects and music instruments work together to generate improvised mechanical wave and action jams. Non-Theatre-Non-concert-installation-event-situation-x.
members: Samson Cheung Choi-sang (bubble paper / running / pencil sharpener) CHEUK Wing-nam (VJ) Lai Chung-man Andio (Guitar) Son Tse Wing Yan (Zazen) Wong Chun-hoi (chopsticks) Wong Fuk-kuen (floor /glass / machine glazed wrapping paper) Pat Wong Wing-shan, Flyingpig (live drawing) Solomon Yu (toilet) Thomas Yuen (Shakuhachi) Yip Kai-chun (Yoga)
Welcome to jam in with your own tool. Or pick up and create your own tool with material from the on-site WCH assemblage #2. testing material donation: goods of weight equivalent to 20 one-dollar coins spatial pressure testing duration: unknown with all-time intermission, and as long as the workers last... The Post SICD temporary Grassroots youth art workers 2015 will dissolve immediately after this spatial pressure test.
2015年9月 19日(星期六)/ 七時半
疑似肢體劇場,又似古怪室樂忘了上弦。 這裡、那兒…。約翰凱奇的快樂鬼魂躺在地上,捲吸上了玻璃瓶子。 你的筷子他的衛生紙。 跑跑跳跳漸昇仙,啪啪噠噠嗒嗒 zz…….
成員: 張才生(氣泡紙/跑步 /鉛筆刨) 卓穎嵐(影像處理器) 黎仲民(結他) 謝穎欣(打坐) 王鎮海(筷子) 黃福權(地下/ 玻璃瓶/ 雞皮紙) 飛天豬(人像,情緒與環境速寫 ) 余廸文(廁所) 袁永賢(尺八) 葉啟俊(瑜珈)
成員招募中,歡迎自備器具加入,藝術工場內放有〔黃竹坑聚疊(二)〕有大量物料隨地供應 測試時間視乎青年工人們體力及默契,七時左右於「據點・句點」可遠觀海洋公園夢幻水都人工湖之雙龍奇緣噴火槍,中場休息自便,談話請私下了決,工人們將於空間壓力測試後解散。 即場材料捐助:相當於二十個一元硬幣重量的物料,或更重的貨品 _________
biography | 簡歷
Samson Cheung Choi-sang 張才生 http://www.cheungchoisang.com/ CHEUK Wing-nam 卓穎嵐 http://www.evilagnivv.com/ Lai Chung-man Andio 黎仲民 http://floatingprojectscollective.net/collective/lai-chung-man-andio/ Son Tse Wing Yan 謝穎欣 Wong Fuk-kuen 黃福權 http://floatingprojectscollective.net/collective/wong-fuk-kuen/ Wong Chun-hoi 王鎮海 http://floatingprojectscollective.net/collective/wong-chun-hoi/ Pat Wong Wing-shan Flyingpig 飛天豬 http://floatingprojectscollective.net/collective/pat-wong-wong-shan-flyingpig/ Thomas Yuen 袁永賢 http://www.thomasy.com/about/ Solomon Yu 余廸文 http://solomontyu.wix.com/foldednotes Yip Kai-chun 葉啟俊 http://yipkaichuns.com/ Floating Projects Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.02 from Floating Projects on Vimeo.