
Searching for tag: fpc-art

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Too Long Ago, Not Far, Winnie Yan's FPC open door solo (2023.09.16-10.08), turns the play with sight-and-sound fragments into a subjective-materialist time and space asserting a decentred subject. 《在不太遙遠的很久以前》 (據點打開門個人發表 202

FP Assemblage 2023 (2) Self-organization, Individuation, Synchronization... an Automatic Sequence 同步、個別化、自我組織。不假思索的序列。「據點聚疊」於亞洲藝術文庫。

FP Assemblage 2023 (2) Self-organization, Individuation, Synchronization... an Automatic Sequence 同步、個別化、自我組織。不假思索的序列。「據點聚疊」於亞洲藝術文庫。

The second of FP's 2-day intervention-insertion-installation-production performance at Asia Art Archive's new reading room concludes with a show window filled with “live” traces of FP players, friends and on-site visitors. … Another attempt to capture the rich diversities of the happenings, the author's attempt to preserve her own personal glimpses at least.

WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. One step forward. No Waste | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。多走一步。總有點甚麼。
六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

FPC dialogues… Jess Lau wrote a poem and shared it with Linda Lai, who wrote a poem in response. The exchange develops into that of images. 劉清華隨心寫了一首詩,分享了給黎肖嫻。黎回了另一首詩。後來這個對話由文字推至圖像。

微敍事 的 家庭現象 :  牆上紋路 , 有誰在家? Marks on the wall: micro-narratives of a family phenomenon

微敍事 的 家庭現象 : 牆上紋路 , 有誰在家? Marks on the wall: micro-narratives of a family phenomenon

Ding Cheuk-laam’s notes from the 1st discussion forum of Have a Balanced Diet 3: Home-Making (11 July 2019) 丁卓蓝於7月11日「日常飲像影食3: 間房要唔要牆?」第一次放映和討論會後有所發現。

Linda Lai / Heterotopia as artistic practice: Lost Textures of QRC folding and unfolding 異質地誌作為藝術方法:褶疊待延的皇后大道中

Linda Lai / Heterotopia as artistic practice: Lost Textures of QRC folding and unfolding 異質地誌作為藝術方法:褶疊待延的皇后大道中

…the world is interpreted as a body of infinite folds and surfaces that twist and weave through compressed time and space. — Simon O-Sullivan on Gilles Deleuze>   Lost Textures is the work of artist cum historiographer, Linda Lai, in collaboration with experimental artists Winnie Yan and Michelle Lee from the Floating Projects Collective (FPC) […]

Andio Lai / Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (3) 無法取得位置:弦音(三)
YIP Kai-chun, Winnie Yan / Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (2) 無法取得位置:弦音(二)
Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (1) 無法取得位置:弦音(一)

Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (1) 無法取得位置:弦音(一)

Individual works from “Nothing Can Come Closer”: Lam Kin-choi, Wong Fuk-kuen《無法取得位置》作品逐個講:林建才、黃福權

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

A visit to Gwangju Biennale alerted FPC member Lee Kai-chung to the possibilities of doing an artist’s residency in Seoul to study archiving practices for art, which he did and shared upon his return to HK in “Can’t Live Without.” 「這次駐場計劃是基於第一次在光州雙年展後到訪過MMCA作資料搜集的經驗出發的。那時其實並不知道有駐場計劃可以申請,只是純屬對一個藝術館的好奇…」

Floating Projects Collective 2025