Highly appraised! Award-winners at "The Ventriloquists...Thinking Narratively" 《腹語系》佳作選出!15天展覽放映研討圓滿結束。4-19 July 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 即日發佈 2020.07.21 The 63-work exhibition The Ventriloquissts...Thinking Narratively and its two screenings have completed. Seven artists are selected winners of the various awards. Thanks to everyone who has cast a ballot. 《腹語系。微敘思考》63個作品的展覽及兩場放映已圓滿結束。七位創作者的作品獲獎項嘉許。謝謝所有投過票的朋友們。 Due to the most recent COVID-19 resurgence, the Award Presentation ceremony schedule for 17 July 2020 was cancelled. A make-up party is under consideration when situations improve. **feature image: video still from Parco Wong's Hardboiled Wonderland (2020.05) *FPC (Floating Projects Collective) Award 「據點。句點」特選 A total of 9 votes are cast by FPC members. The Winner is:
(1) Karen Luk 陸德慧 | thought path as montage sequence | Quiet Turmoil
*Audience Choice 觀眾首選 A total of 45 votes were cast by visitors of the show. Works and artists of top 3 votes, in order, are:
(2) Martha Mai Hatch 王昊絢 | video pictogram (a video duet | La cama mágica de bebés infinitas (on Rybczinski's Tango) (3) Harmanjeet Singh | 3-photo sequence | Awareness (4) Wong Lok-hang Parco 王樂行 | video (dream narrative) | Hardboiled Wonderland *Artists' nomination 藝術家互薦 A total of 16 votes were cast from among the artists. All works with votes received 1-2 votes only. This award is cancelled. *Feaston Prizes Feaston 獎勵 ** The Feaston Prizes are sponsored by Feaston (webstore / instagram), founded by 3 SCM (School of Creative Media) graduates
(5) Eden Ahn | thought path as montage sequence | Life As a Canvas
(6) Louise Chan | thought path as montage sequence | Turbulent
(7) John Lee | thought path as montage sequence | Memorial to the Pigeon
+ + + +. Review all award-winning works
***FPC Choice 「據點。句點」特選
LUK Tak-wai Karen 陸德慧: Quiet Turmoil (click title to watch video) A thought path, a montage sequence a train of thought, fragmented, in a tunnel of love somewhere near, somewhere far – a quiet turmoil eating me up i wish you’d listened to me i was breathing
***Audience's Choice 觀眾首選
Martha Mai Hatch王昊絢 : La cama mágica de bebés infinitas A pictogram for Tango (1981) 2 video pictograms The Production: https://youtu.be/jVXYAleMt5s The Presentation Piece: https://youtu.be/8YxOFfhABWU This is a pictogram couplet of Tango (1981) by Zbigniew Rybczyński. The audio is generated through serialism and permutation whereby the musical parameter is obtained through calculation and mapping of the visual composition of the original piece. This pictogram aims to stretch the original work’s textual meaning through the audio dimension. The vertical narrative (visuality) transmutes into audio seeds. This piece is to be enjoyed by closing your eyes and “see” the animation by Rybczyński.
[caption id="attachment_9910" align="alignleft" width="250"] light-box version of Awareness[/caption] Harmanjeet Singh: Awareness 3 images from a video sequence on environmental protection, presented on 3 light-boxes, each 28.6 x 18.7cm (image area 26.2 x 16.2cm), arranged vertically in the order shown below The 3-image series installed in The Ventriloquists is from an indicative short video on the potential outcomes of excessive exploitation of planet earth. The video visually presents an illusory phenomenon regarding the disposal of trash into water, which, in most circumstances, may be deemed an effective and harmless way of getting rid of waste. In reality, waste disposal is an unforeseen ticking bomb. Plastic, in particular, is largely unloaded into the sea where it is never destroyed. As a matter of fact, waste thrown into sea is simply hovering around people in the air and the amount of plastic and other waste simply shows plastic consumption is a selfish act. Are we ready to get rid of such habits, even temporarily? But it is only a matter of time before we start drinking from the sea we discard in and how appallingly we take care of sea animals. Detailed coverage: see Ventriloquists Series 18: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/art-notes/the-ventriloquists-18/ (to be published 21 July 2020, 00:05am)
WONG Lok-hang Parco: Hard-boiled Wonderland (click title to watch the video) A work on automatism and dreamwork I am trapped in the subconsciousness surrounded by perfect and impenetrable walls. I need to know what the outside world looks like by following the map. Will the map lead me to consciousness? I was reading Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (世界末日與冷酷異境) by Haruki Murakami. This novel has two parallel narrative strands that seem to be unconnected in the beginning, but their echo intensifies as the story grows. Another source of inspiration for my work is the poetry of Hai Zi (海子), a Chinese poet. …For the soundscape, I have remixed the music by Eugenio Caria to fit the rhythm of the images.
Feaston Award winners (3) Feaston 獎勵 (共三名)
1. AHN Jihyun, Eden: Life as a Canvas (click work title to watch video) A thought path as a photo montage sequence Time, color, and ambiance. These are three aspects that I focused on for this work. ‘Time’ in life always flows forward. There is no way to ‘undo’ or ‘control + z’ in real life. The sequence is unfolded by following the four stages of human life, childhood, adolescence, middle age, and senescence. How much yousee is how much you know. Color is the key to present the amount of knowledge you have when you see a certain image. We human beings all come from zero. We gain knowledge, information through the experience we have every day. It all sets out from white and when all the experiences are merged and make who you are, the ultimate color becomes black. From silence to ambiance, and ambiance to silence. 2.
CHAN Pui-sze, Louise:TURBULENT (click work title to watch video) Thought paths as a montage sequence TURBULENT integrates found footage of scientific animation clips, old tapes, and photography. It explores life and death at the macroscopic level while touching upon basic intrinsic values, i.e. the pathos and ethoss of both pro-choice and pro-life stances towards abortion. The contrastive juxtaposition of reality and the imaginary creates narrative thickness of the montage sequence. The perspectives of the first-person and the third-person presented create multiple layers of the conscious and subconscious levels. The fetus as the main icon, mother, and woman weave through my work to open up the many perspective viewers may take. 3.
LEE Chi-yin, John: Memorial to the Pigeon (click work title to watch video) A thought path as montage sequence This montage sequence presents the looping story of an elderly lady who constantly indulges in the memory of her departed grandchild. Dead Leaf and a pigeon are metaphors for the deceased. Most shots of the character were taken from a far distance with a normal lens to mimic a subjective perspective like you are accompanying this old lady but do not want to disrupt her. Sorrowful remembrance that never ends… — that’s her despair. This work was inspired by my mother’s grief for losing her own mother and two other siblings in mainland China, all within just a year. For several times, a panic attack kicked in whenever I started to imagine — what if I had to live alone without any family members?
To review all works in details, see the Ventriloquists Series no. 1-20, daily news for the exhibition, until 24 July 2020.
Site views of the exhibition at Floating Projects, JCCAC, L3-06D
TO BE CONTINUED: "Ventriloquists...Thinking Narratively" on-line exhibition at SCM On-line Gallery, to launch on 17 August 2020. More news to come.