Wafting Out The Sea 在大海中飄散
《在大海中飄散 Wafting out the Sea》 「這次之後,我們還會相見嗎?」
莫碧瑩 Shirley mok:
在疫情之中,巨大的焦慮將我淹沒。以往認為社交媒體、通訊軟件簡直是人類瑰寶,可以分享 和身邊人分享的每個瞬間。但當疫情來臨, 一切的活動都限於小小蝸居中,每天透過屏幕和 人問好、打招呼⋯⋯ 我躺在床上,忽然之間在想,我有能確實地得到對方的信息?我有確實傳遞信息給對方?我有 確實地感受到暖度?這一切都像是偶然發生的幻像,像海浪般似般無序的拍打起伏,不知道何 時就會斷開。因為不安和焦躁,反讓我把唯一的聯繫也避開,我關上手機,捲縮一團,於無常 的海洋中擁抱自己。沒有了網絡,如蒲谷英失去了和大地的連接,獨自漂泊於海中。 但仍希望終有一天可以將種子飄散出去。
In the pandemic, huge anxiety overwhelmed me· I regarded online communication platforms as human treasures, and you could share every moment you shared with people around you. But when the epidemic hits, all activities are limited to a small squared room, you could only greet others through the small screen every day... Lying on the bed, and one day I was wondering, the connection between us, just like a phantom.It flaps and undulates disorderly like a sea wave, without knowing when it will end. Or it will end in the next moment. Then, I chose to avoid the only connection. I turned off my phone, curled up, and embraced myself in the middle of the ocean. Without the network, Dandelion lost its connection with the earth and wandered in the sea alone. But I still hope that one day the seeds can be wafted out.
梁穎珊 Cassia Leung: 這一年,我在網絡的大海中浮沉並身陷其中。 在這片海中,我與你的相遇都是偶然的,剎那的觸碰過後,就是別離,沒法再相遇。透過網絡 與人通訊,是我唯一能在疫情之中連結他者的方法,但我卻感覺到與漸行漸遠,整個溝通似是 被架空了,使我懷疑世界的真實性。 學會由孑然一身到連結他人,是這個時代中需要學習的命題。此刻的我,想離開這片海,等待 一度風的來臨,讓我飛越這裡。
The internet is like the sea in some sense. And I have been floating on the sea for a year already, being led by the irresistible tides. All encounters happen accidentally here, just for an instant of touch, there is no way to meet again only after parting. Having dialogues through the Internet is the only way that I can link with others during the pandemic, like sending the text, photos, and videos, but that I get away from people since I cannot reach them physically. Communications seem to be emptied and vacuous which makes me doubt the authenticity of the reality. In this lonely era, connecting with others stands as a proposition for relief. I am waiting for the wind to fly me over here.