
Searching for tag: covid-19

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Are perspectives on diseases without a human agent (empirical perspective) possible? “ From the disease image perspective (o1) through the cooperative discourse (02-03), and the “war frame” (04), Hector Rodriguez advances a point of view that conceives of a person as part and support of an ecological community. And what if “the bacteria that inhabit a person’s body are to a large extent unique to that person”? The assumptions of a microbial ecosystem define what it means to be person, so that a person is an ecological community. How ought we to think of personal identity when we consider the role of built spaces and dynamic interactions in shaping our microbial signatures?

Voices from the Atmosphere (1): archiving thought paths in days of isolation 「大氣中融融細語」(一): 隔離日子的思路的庫存
Low Burning with a window view (quarantine diaries 02) 窗外有景,室內慢燃 (隔離手記 02)

Low Burning with a window view (quarantine diaries 02) 窗外有景,室內慢燃 (隔離手記 02)

黎肖嫻《隔離手記》二。天南地北,其實都是斗室裡發放出來的微溫和希望,繼續活著。Now the second of her on-going quarantine journals, Linda Lai pushes a room of confinement into a node of connectivity. Many possible conversations.

洞穴和箱子裡的人:禁閉的五花八門 (隔離手記 01)

洞穴和箱子裡的人:禁閉的五花八門 (隔離手記 01)

就是為了記好。黎肖嫻點線面多方切入,一個簡單的回家的動作,牽出地球的年曆和極微的人的想像力的理肌。七天隔離變二十一天。三番四次不是航班取消就是酒店鬧房荒。怎回也回不了家。這是在造夢嗎?… 終於,她正式寫下抵港後隔離手記的第一篇。

The Cave and the Boxes: variations of confinement (quarantine diaries 01)
Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (10): a way to conclude 暫時總結

Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (10): a way to conclude 暫時總結

“To sum it up: if the strongest shall fall, what can survive?” asked Elliott Wan, in search on more thorough research in his graduate studies. 「最強的也會倒下去,那麽能生存下去的可以是誰?」溫啟朗在完結篇留下了這問題,看來,繼續深究是必須的。

Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (7): COVID-19 and Digital Media 香港獨立音樂場景系列之七:新肺炎時期的製作方法

Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (7): COVID-19 and Digital Media 香港獨立音樂場景系列之七:新肺炎時期的製作方法

Many innovative responses have been evident to survive the impact of the pandemic, sustaining jobs and income for some. What is lost and what is gained? 新肺炎刺激了不同的生存手法,不乏對音樂創作的傳承。危機是渡過了,接著呢?

Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (5): Distribution Methods 香港獨立音樂場景系列之五:發行方法
Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (1): Hidden Agenda’s history and formation (2009-2011) 香港獨立音樂場景系列之一

Elliott Wan / HK’s Indie Music Scene (1): Hidden Agenda’s history and formation (2009-2011) 香港獨立音樂場景系列之一

How has HK’s independent music arena grown and sustained itself? What are the major factors at work? What specific shape has localism taken since 2009? How did COVID-19 alongside many social circumstances invoke modal changes in music production and distribution? Elliott Wan, in 10 episodes, accounts for many such questions through literature research, field studies and interviews with stakeholders. 香港獨立音樂場景系列一:溫啟朗讓「據點一杯茶」分享其對香港獨立音樂的景況的觀察和考查,回顧前瞻,翻出一個專屬香港的獨立音樂故事,作為創意媒體本科畢業的總結。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

In these COVID-19 days, “underlying conditions” undermine those with chronic diseases in fighting the virus. Rather than a sheer physiological condition, Michael Leung quotes Rene Gabri: what are considered pre-existing conditions are “those imposed on people by capitalism and the state, making some more vulnerable than others (during the pandemic).” What are the possibilities of being immune not just a personal matter but a collective act?「本有」狀況?「既有」狀態?還是「固有」狀態?梁志剛在英回顧法國行程的經驗,體悟藝術家 Rene Gabri 的申述:既有狀態其實是資本主義和國家政府加諸我們身上的,其結果是有些人總比另一些人「脆弱」,例如在疫情高漲的時候。如是,「既有」的,因政策管治的上綱下達,便成了「固有」的境況。往下想,「免疫」或「免疫系統」的出現,是否可以超越「個人」層面而成為「協作」的、社區群體的?

Floating Projects Collective 2024