
Searching for tag: nam-june-paik

SHIN Gyung Jin / Art and Power: Tracing the Figure of the Artist in Korean Art History (4) 藝術與權力 – 韓國藝術史中藝術家身份形象的遞變(四)

SHIN Gyung Jin / Art and Power: Tracing the Figure of the Artist in Korean Art History (4) 藝術與權力 – 韓國藝術史中藝術家身份形象的遞變(四)

Nam June Paik (Paik Nam-June) represents Korean contemporary art, but only becoming a solid case in the 1980s, 34 years after he lived away from his home country. Artists and their fame are often appropriated to be subsisted to political agendas. The story remains, unveiling the story of globalization, what is missing, and what voices are never recorded, in the mainstream discourse of Korean art history? 白南準離開本家韓國34年。他的蜚聲國際把他「送回」南韓,成為1980年代及往後國內全球化策略下的國際級大節慶紅人。白南準的藝術地位和貢獻不可置疑。問題是,著眼於他這樣級數的藝術家的同時,我們失卻了甚麼?誰的主體性被泯滅?那些有關藝術的實存被滅聲?這不單是寫藝術史的人的問題,是每一個人如何存活與政治機器中要關注的。

Floating Projects Collective 2025