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Sam Chan / 從《三毛流浪記》#10 讀到變天的時刻 The denouement of Three Hairs’ Wanderings: anticipating a new habitat

Sam Chan / 從《三毛流浪記》#10 讀到變天的時刻 The denouement of Three Hairs’ Wanderings: anticipating a new habitat

2020年5月,陳顯宗從黎肖嫻手裡拿走了共10冊,於1974-76改編並重發的 1947-49年上海《大公報》連載的《三毛流浪記》的最後一集。時值文革尾聲。為何此時重新整理流浪記?有何逼切性?是「創傷性黑暗時代後價值觀」的重新建立?重新尋找容身之地的時代? Reading the final of the 10 volumes 1976 adaptation of the wanderings of Three Hairs of 1930s-40s, Sam Chan asks if the denouement of the series is also a form of closure to the Cultural Revolution, in search of the ethos and pathos for China’s own post-trauma reconstruction.

Floating Projects Collective 2025