
Author's post:

Barren Rock Artchive 無用石 / 【Notes 筆記】Withstanding the collapse of our world《殘酷與美好》面對崩壞的世界

Barren Rock Artchive 無用石 / 【Notes 筆記】Withstanding the collapse of our world《殘酷與美好》面對崩壞的世界

Barren Rock Artchive’s review on the dual-show “Ferocity & Wonderment” (Jan 2-Feb05) at Floating Projects, originally shared on 13 January 2022, is now re-posted at Floating Teatime’ ArtNotes with the author’s permission. 原文發表於無用石的面書和 Instagram (2022.01.13)。感謝分享於「據點一杯茶」文字平台。

Floating Projects Collective 2025