
Jess Lau 劉清華

Media and illustration artist

LAU Ching-wa Jess b.1991 jessaminelcw@gmail.com Jess Lau Ching-wa was born in 1991, Hong Kong. She explores the fading time, memories and the ever changing urban landscapes as subject matters, focuses on the qualities of different medias and the possibilities of their textures. She usually works with moving images, animation and installation.  She graduated in 2014 from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. In the same year, she received the Silver Award and the Best Local Work at the 20th ifva Festival (Interactive Media Category) in 2014. Her works have been exhibited in Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan, Finland, Hong Kong, and at Ars Electronica Festival in Linz in Austria. 劉清華生於1991年香港﹐2014年獲得香港城市大學創意媒體文學士(榮譽)學位。她以探索流逝的時光、回憶及轉變不斷的城市景貌為創作題材,著眼於不同媒介本身的獨特性及其質感之可塑性。作品涉及錄像、動畫、裝置等元素。 其作品曾獲「香港第二十屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體節」新媒體藝術組別銀獎及本地最佳作品,又曾於奧地利林茨電子藝術節、瑞士、日本、台灣、芬蘭及香港等地展出。

Floating Projects Collective 2025