Michael Leung's ON LAND series in the Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux「在地」系列:梁志剛起義式的農耕氛圍手記
[caption id="attachment_7702" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Le Collectif; painting/image courtesy of Michael Leung[/caption]
updated 6 July 2020.../ ON LAND series
Launched on 8 May 2020, ON LAND is a series of on-going research notes by doctoral researcher Michael Leung Tentatively titled "Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux," his project studies emancipatory farming communities around the world in the global Neo-liberal era. Hong Kong is part of this (in)visible network-structure for critical investigation as well as for acting out. Please follow "FieldNotes" and "Seriously Speaking" on Floating Teatime.
5月8日起,「在地」手記系列將連續刊載博士生研究員梁志剛飄移多國,訪尋關心天然資源的政治的在地群體的所見所思。有時是筆錄日記,有時是理據的鋪陳,一幅圖,一張可用上千言萬語去開發的瞬間快照。全球性的、凝視西方新自由主義機制的態度化為行動上的考察、針對性的解放式農務,也同樣的全球而具體。「起義式的農耕氛圍」作為一個重心也同時是創造性的前向推進。這彷彿是全球的事,在本土的香港連線。從綠色城市農夫到博士生研究員,梁志剛隨走隨說。請追隨「據點一杯茶」的《考察中》和《大聲發表》。/Linda Lai , Floating Teatime editor 黎肖嫻,「據點一杯茶」編輯
"For the past few months I’ve been visiting different collectives in France and the Basque Country. Here are some field notes, photos, fiction and indeterminacies—some written on my journey and some during confinement.
「過去幾個月,我探訪了法國和西班牙巴斯克地區的不同群體。這裡是一些筆記、照片、虛構故事和一些不能定性的文字 -- 有些是旅途中寫的,有些則是在隔離的時候寫的。
"Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux are rhizomatic forms of agriculture that exist in local response to global conditions of biopolitics and neoliberalism.
"Government-supported development and infrastructure projects on agricultural land have compelled farmers and land protectors to turn to direct action in resistance to land commodification and the excavation of natural resources." 「政府官方資助的有關農地的發展和基建項目,往往逼使農民和愛護土地者投向直接行動作為對土地商品化和自然資源的挖掘的抵抗。」
-- Michael Leung 梁志剛
Leung's notes will be shared as journal entries once a week at Floating Teatime's FieldNotes and Seriously Speaking, starting 8 May 2020.
first entry [2020.02.03 | NoTAVs Everywhere]
Michael Leung is currently a second-year PhD student at City University of Hong Kong's School of Creative Media. He examines issues on the politics of natural resources and now is researching on possibilities of direct action in what he calls the Insurrectionary Agriculture Milieux.