Microwave International New Media Art Festival 2016 -Project Room 微波國際新媒體藝術節-實驗H場
Microwave International New Media Art Festival 2016 -Project Room 微波國際新媒體藝術節-實驗H場
[Funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council 藝術發展局資助]
Exhibition 展覽
Mechanical Landscape an assemblage by the Floating Projects Collective 一些機械風景 - 由句點藝術群體聚疊
With extremely fast computing power tools on hands, we are still trying to engage the world by recreating a world with gravity. Imagine we can find millions of pigs in the city. 縱使拿著手中運算能力極快的器械,我們還是在卑微地重塑一個仍有重力的世界,想像在城市中找到幾百萬頭豬的景象。
29.5.2016 (Sun日) - 12.6.2016 (Sun日) 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Mon 星期一休息) Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang 黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大8樓D室
Participating Artists | 參展藝術家:
CHEUK Wing Nam 卓穎嵐 Andio LAI Chung Man 黎仲民 LAU Ho Chi 劉浩知 Fiona LEE 李穎姍 Kel LOK Man Chung 駱敏聰 WONG Chun Hoi 王鎮海 WONG Fuk Kuen 黃福權 Hugo YEUNG Ming-him 楊鳴謙
Performance 表演
Floating Projects Spatial pressure Calibration 0.06 ¬ Manual Operation of the Mechanical Landscape 據點空間壓力測試0.06 - 手動機械風景
‘Floating Projects Spatial Pressure Calibration’ series is an irregular impromptu gathering / ensemble / response to space / experiment at Floating Projects. Although each calibration often starts with sounds, anything in the space can be part of the spatial pressure calibration, from individual actions, objects, volunteer artists and Floating Projects itself. 《據點空間壓力測試》是一個不定期在據點發生的項目,以聲音作為採索空間壓力/張力的基調,且不限於此,演出者的行為、修行、場內的物件、觀眾、空間,都會成為壓力測試的一部份。 11/6/2016 (Sat六) 20:00 - Free admission on a first-come, first-served basis. 免費入場,座位有限,先到先得。
http://www.microwavefest.net/festival2016/ProjectRoom.html facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/565114526982656
藝術家簡歷 Artists Biography CHEUK Wing Nam | 卓穎嵐
Cheuk Wing Nam is an interdisciplinary artist who devotes to developing her artwork with concepts of mixing sound and other media with contemporary computer technology. She completed her Master’s Degree in Visual Arts (Studio Art and Extended Media) at the Hong Kong Baptist University, specializing in new media installation and sound sculpture. She is interested in demonstrating the relationships between light and shadow, and sound and space in her artwork. Recently, Cheuk has exhibited multiple works, including interactive installations, sound sculptures and sound installations in a variety of locales in Hong Kong. In addition, she performed in some musical events. Cheuk has exhibited and performed in Oi! Street Art Space, XXX Gallery, 22 Degrees North, Connecting Spaces, floating projects, Hong Kong Baptist University and Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). She is selected as one of the artists of “Sonic Transmission Program 2016” by Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong. She was currently a member of the Floating Projects Collective. 卓穎嵐是本地同時從事聲音雕塑、新媒體藝術創作和程式設計的跨媒體藝術家。畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術碩士課程,主修藝術創作與延伸媒體。擅長新媒體藝術裝置、聲音雕塑,尤其關注從光與影、聲音與空間之間進行創作及表演。 近年卓氏的作品在油街實現、XXX Gallery、22 Degrees North、Connecting Spaces、 據點‧句點、香港浸會大學及蘇黎世藝術大學均有展出或表演。2016年為現在音樂「聲音傳輸藝術家交流計劃」獲選為藝術家。現為句點藝術群體其中一員。 http://www.evilagnivv.com/ Andio LAI Chung Man | 黎仲民
Andio Lai Chung Man graduated with a BA in Creative Media from the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong at 2015. He is currently a student in the Master of Art in Fine Art programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lai is interested in making sound apparatus and machines. Through referencing media technology and its history, his works focus on the a subject matter of musical instrument,playing sound and human-machine interaction. Andio is also a sound artist who has performed at different art spaces and galleries. His recent sound object works were featured at Para Site’s booth in Art Basel Hong Kong. 黎仲民,2015年獲香港城市大學創意媒體學士,現為香港中文大學藝術文學碩士生。他做的作品為聲音器具和機器。作品透過媒體技術及其歷史,利用樂器,玩聲音和人機的互動性為主題。 他也是聲音藝術表演者,到過不同藝術空間及畫廊演出。最近的聲音作品在香港巴塞爾藝術展Para Site的攤位內展出 LAU Ho Chi | 劉浩知 劉浩知的作品主要關注「人和科技的關係」,「互動性」和「計算媒體」之間的關係。他的作品 <<Learn to be a Machine>>於日本媒體藝術祭獲得新面孔獎,並在同年於奧地利電子藝術節展出。他畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,主修批判性跨媒體實驗室。
Lau Ho Chi's work mainly focus in the relations between human-technology relation, interactivity and computational media. His installation/performance <<Learn to be a Machine>> received the new face award in the 2014 Japan Media Art Festival and has been shown in Ars Electronica Festival at the same year. He graduated in School of Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong in 2013, majored in Critical Intermedia Laboratory.
Fiona Lee |李穎姍 Fiona Lee was born in Hong Kong. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Critical Intermedia Laboratory, from the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong. Her artworks are based on a dialogue between installation and performance. Her recent art practices and inspirations came from the feelings of and concentration on the moment in daily routine, which she explores like a place of adventure. Listening is an important connection between herself and the world, as she feels the movement of every single moment. She loves to listen to sounds from nature, and yet, she is also addicted to noise in the city. This is why she would like to expose her thoughts between different dimensions of sound in her artwork. She believes creations of art are the progress she makes in exploring and accepting the possibilities of herself. Her recent work focuses on the relationship of sound frequencies and electromagnetic fields. Her sound installations and performances have been featured internationally in Japan, Taiwan, Korea,Manila, Macau, and Hong Kong. 李穎姍生於香港。畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,主修批判性跨媒體實驗室。 過去的作品以裝置和表演為主。現階段她的作品多依循當下對生活的感受為主, 在日常生活中以一個獵奇的方式探索一個地方的可愛之處 ,以聆聽作為跟世界與自身連結的一個重要渠道,感受每一刻的流動。喜愛聽大自然的聲音如蟬聲、雀鳥的聲音,也愛聽城市裡的噪音,所以作品多以探索不同聲音的面向與自身的關係。她希望她的作品類型不會只局限於一個創作媒介上,並認為創作對自身來說是發掘和接受自己更多的可能性。 最近的作品主要專注於聲音頻率與電磁場的關係。她的裝置與表演作品曾於國際不同的藝術節或音樂節中展出,如日本的"Asian Meeting Festival" 和"Around sound art festival", 台灣的"Lacking sound Festival", 韓國的 "Seoul International NewMedia Festival", 菲律賓的"TRANSI(EN)T MANILA",香港與澳門的"Kill the Silence Festival" fionaobscura.com
Kel LOK Man Chung | 駱敏聰 城市大學創意媒體學院2015年畢業,藝術團隊《動動像》成員。 致力製作低質動畫與奇怪裝置,熱愛於淘寶搜羅古靈精怪的玩意,以及學習各種技藝。期待將世界的有趣之處,與有趣的新世界展現人前。 Kel Lok Man Chung graduated from the School of Creative Media in the City University of Hong Kong in 2015. He was the core member of artist group “Moving Moving Image”. Committed to produce “low-fidelity” animation and strange installations. Love collecting weird stuffs on Taobao and learning new technical hand-crafting skills. Looking forward to show the interesting parts of the world and interesting new worlds to people.
WONG Chun Hoi |王鎮海 生於1990, 畢業於城市大學創意媒體學院,主修批判性跨媒體實驗室。創作道路尚在摸索中,暫以悲憤作為創作源動力。作品主要涉及聲音和電子零件。視坦白為創作原則,本業處理一切聲音的工作。兼職自由身另類技術支援予藝術家,為「據點・句點」藝工程師,期望跟其他藝術創作相輔相成。互相學習。 Wong Chun Hoi (b.1990) graduated from the School of Creative Media in the City University of Hong Kong in 2012, majored in Critical Intermedia Laboratory. He treats Anger as the temporary initiation of making art. His works mainly involve sound and electronics. Being honest and sincere is his basic creative principle. Always working as a sound designer and engineer, also providing alternative technical support to vary artist. Currently working as the artistic engineer in floating projects. He believes that making complement to other art making is an important way to learn art.
WONG Fuk Kuen |黃福權 福權主要透過聲音或裝置, 捕捉某一種空間,某一種狀態。 2012年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,雖不多產,有幸生活至此仍續有創作之心,相信這是生命中不可或缺的其中一項。喜愛以水管作創作媒介,The Telescopes、網野空景、坪輋空景均用上。作品足跡由實驗空間、到戶外的鄉村及海灘。 Fukuen occupies a particular state and space by sound and installation. He graduated from the School of Creative Media in 2012. Till now, he keeps creating artwork yet not in a productive quantity, which he thinks is necessary as part of his life. He likes to use water pipes as medium which can be seen as cutting through the Telescopes, Aminoscape and Pingchescape. His works appear in indoor experimental spaces as much as outdoor villages and beaches.
Hugo YEUNG Ming-him |楊鳴謙 born (1993) and raised in Hong Kong holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) degree in New Media from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong loves cinema, loves music, loves science 楊鳴謙,生於1993,2015年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,第一届新媒體文理學士畢業生。作品主要在影像、聲音和數理之間尋找關係和互動。現為句點藝術群體其中一員。 http://hugoymh.wordpress.com/