Object-Subjectivities: FPC performing at NO REFERENCES 《重塑「東西遊戲」》/據點。句點群體演出於《沒有先例》
8:00pm, 21 May 2016, Cattle Depot Artists' Village / "No References: A Revisit of Hong Kong Video and Media Art from 1985" (Videotage)
[Funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council 藝術發展局資助]
〈重塑:東西遊戲〉是一次有結構的即興演出(5月21日),是九位句點群體的成員和友好對黎肖嫻的同名裝置(2016年5月19日至6月21日)的注腳,更是活化「東西遊戲」的體驗,同時繼承「據點。句點」群體近一年以來特創的「壓力測試」表演/陳述模式。我們一同演出的是「淨化」的實踐,共謀相約的大方向的同時,各自各的精彩,是協作和申述主體的弔詭嬉戲。 八九年進念引發的〈東西遊 戲〉多少披帶著美國前衛藝術的影子,同時強調詩意、音樂性、形式化。二〇一六年,身處黑盒化的編碼年代,我們朝著「演算法」(algorithm) 作藝術性的想像,使之人性化,尋找另一種的詩學、另一種的美學。 〈重塑:東西遊戲〉的演出∶ 1. 「自動化。衍生序。人工智能。被設計的民主。」 2. 「勤勞的演算」 3. 「集體個別化」 4. 「無休的追憶」 概念:黎肖嫻/監製:王鎮海/水櫃製作:王鎮海、卓穎嵐/中文文本:黎偉亮/演出:黎肖嫻(現場不加思索書寫)、王鎮海、黃福權、楊鳴謙、李穎姍、王偉健、黎仲民、卓穎嵐、丁卓藍、詹可瑩
"Object-Subjectivities" the performance is the Floating Projects Collective's annotative enactment of Linda Lai's installation (19 May to 15 Jun 2016) with the same title. Comprising a series of structured improvisations in three acts with a coda, the performance presents cleansing via water as its overall metaphor and extends the conceptual framework of its predecessors "Object-activities" (1989) and "LOOK: Object-activity" (2006). Performed in July 1989, one month after the June-Fourth massacre, Object-activities originated as a cross-disciplinary art experiment, initiated by Zuni Icosahedron, and was meant to be a mourning space for the artists involved. When reworked in 2006, the piece became a one-take tableau-vivant video work entitled "LOOK: Object-activity," its focus shifted to the musicality of multi-linear parametric narration and the pictorial and formal effects of multi-stranded actions on a single theatre space. While the 2006 iteration suggested a time and mind at ease, "Object-Subjectivities" in 2016 asserts the therapeutic power of communication via doing things together. The principle of “collective co-individuation” manifests itself in a play with objects: each performer follows his/her own self-made "algorithmic" routines to create a meditative space that also invites sharing and exchange. Act One: ”automation, emergence, artificial intelligence, programmed democracy” Act Two: ”hardworking algorithms” Act Three: ”collective co-individuation” Coda: ”relentless remembering”
Total performance time: about 40 minutes
Concept/structure: Linda LAI; Producer: WONG Chun-hoi; Water closet (design): WONG Chun-hoi, Wing CHEUK; Chinese text: LAI Wai-leung; Performers: Linda LAI (live automatic writing), WONG Chun-hoi, Andio LAI, WONG Fuk-kuen, Hugo YEUNG, Fiona LEE, Kenji WONG, Anna CHIM, DING Cheuk-laam, and Wing CHEUK