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Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片(三) – 爬。[電]梯。兩椿圖文對話 My dream fragments 3: Climb. Elevator. Two text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片(三) – 爬。[電]梯。兩椿圖文對話 My dream fragments 3: Climb. Elevator. Two text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned into wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong pulls out another two to form two new dialogues as image-text poems. An obsession with movement, or is it immobility? 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出兩片,成了兩首圖文對話的詩,像彼此勾連,又似莫不相關。爬、行,卻是移動的衝動,徘徊的辯證。

Cherie Wong / My dream fragments 1: Understand or communicate? Fragments of my fragmentary thoughts 我的夢碎片 (一): 想了解,卻沒有踏出溝通的一步 // 一個人的碎碎念

Cherie Wong / My dream fragments 1: Understand or communicate? Fragments of my fragmentary thoughts 我的夢碎片 (一): 想了解,卻沒有踏出溝通的一步 // 一個人的碎碎念

好奇心驅使之下,Cherie Wong 讀佛洛依德的理論,希望能從心理分析、潛意識和夢中認識自己。答案雖然並沒有像劇本般理所當然地走出來,她卻找到另一個切入點去看這個問題。To understand how her personality was formed, Cherie Wong delved into Freudian concepts. Psychoanalysis, unconsciousness and dreams interpretation do not result in a clearer picture of who she is, and yet she landed on new artistic possibilities.

Floating Projects Collective 2025