2021.12.18 - 12.19
The fledging survivors of a coastal community got together, each being assigned to a team with a particular activity to barter and exchange goods -- to contribute to future research on environmental questions.
2021.12.16 - 12.19
Floating Projects is at BOOKED (Tai Kwun) a second time after 2019. We are at booth #5, 1/F JC Gallery. 請來5號書桌探訪我們。「據點。句點」成員及友好的小書大作第二度參與大館今年十二月的藝術書展。19日1230-1400講座:「網路的主觀性」
6-8pm | Micro Narratives 2021: Layered Vision at Floating Projects, coordinated by Linda Lai with multiple artists
2021.11.26 - 11.28
Design practices on bodily and wearable interactions. Collaborative learning through physical making using Arduino programming, garment making, leather working, laser cutting, wood-shopping. By MFA students mentored by RAY LC.
FP is a local presenter this year, titled "Enduring Care," of a free, one hour video program of seven new videos highlighting strategies of community care within the ongoing HIV epidemic. 「據點。句點」參與「視覺愛滋」藝術組織的 Day With[out] Art,成為香港本地的參與者之一,放映以「持續關照」(Enduring Care)為主題的一小時的免費節目,循環播放。
2021.11.20 - 11.21
2021.11.20-21 (Sat-Sun 星期六、日) | 20:00/21:00 | 共四場放映討論會 a total of 4 screenings for discussion
2021.12.01 - 11.21
Sketch 2 再稿 Pop-up 展 | 1-21 November 2021 | organized by Andio Lai | FPC members | L3-06D, FP
Dn/Ve expanding: video marathon, 12nn-2pm / 4-6pm / 8-10pm
Sat 星期六/3pm - 6pm. 地點 Venue: 南丫島 榕樹灣 Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island, a Dn/Ve event
4-6pm | A special D-Normal/V-Essay program. Editor and project chief Linda Lai honors 3 accomplished works, three very different journeys constructing the past for very different reasons. Screening preceded and followed by two other shows selected by Dn/Ve jurors.