D-Normal/V-Essay expanded: sound workshop | 據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習 - 聲音工作坊
D-Normal/V-essay expanded program in June 《平地數碼》六月膨脹學習見面系列
New zines at FP's shop space: Michael Leung with Winnie Yan and Esther Man
《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses - book launch series
 I Was of Three Minds 三個自我
D-Normal/V-Essay: Stop Motion workshop 定格動畫工作坊
(Publishing) To Find Each Other: A hybrid show…an open work: please join 因書仔而相遇協作:請參與梁志剛多源共緣的開放文本
D-Normal/V-Essay: Motion picture film workshop | 電影菲林工作坊
Publishing (to Find Each Other) 相遇於小誌小文學
「因歌而鳴。」"The bird sings, for it has a song." Open door event on sonification and vocalization

2021.01.31 - 02.21

「因歌而鳴。」"The bird sings, for it has a song." Open door event on sonification and vocalization

“A bird does not sing because he has an answer. He sings because he has a song." (Joan Walsh Anglund) Andio Lai, Annisa Cheung and Chin-yin Chong unfold the forking paths of their desires for sounds. 「鳥兒鳴唱不是因為知道答案,而是因為有歌要唱。」鳥因歌而鳴,自然的反應並不一定為了一個解答而存在。同樣的,對黎仲民、張靜瑜和策展人張瀞尹而言,是源自內在的想望,像個歧路花園。

Floating Projects Collective 2025