Toy as Medium - Playing Projects 玩具之間-《玩動日》
玩具之間-《玩動日》 Toy as Medium - <Playing Projects> ----- 星期六,日為展覽完結前的最後兩天,我們會進行彈珠人和四驅車比賽。
“FP's first B-Daman League”《據點第一季彈珠人競技賽》
時間:下午 3點 至 6點
"Double Racing Session"《Double賽車時段》
日期:12月11日 (日)
時間:下午 2點至4點
This weekend is the last two days before the end of the exhibition, we will hold Bdaman and 4WD cars competition.
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJHOt5AM03InQkRaX0w5jyLPoaBEwdFlj6rSoiueL-LX9OSA/viewform <FP first B-Daman League> Date : 10-12-2016 (Sat) Time : 3:00pm - 6:00pm <Double Racing Session> Date : 11-12-2016 (Sun) Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm _____________________________
名額:12人 會有標把賽和攻防賽等不同考驗。過程中考驗參賽者的準成度,力度,上彈的速度,以及其人是否冷靜。活動可以用我們枱上不同型號彈珠人,也歡迎自備彈珠人。 先分組進行小組賽,每小組首名將出線準決賽。
名額:最多16人 賽車時段以分四組形式進行。共兩回合。 回合一 以四驅車賽車*。 回合二 以經典電競遊戲賽車。 賽車後有自由時段自由賽車交流。 *要自備四驅車
<FP first B-Daman League> Quota : 12 participants There will be different type of challenge, target challenge and defence challenge etc. The challenges aim to test the accuracy, strength and agility and calmness of Bdaman skill. Participants can use different models of Bdaman provided on the table, bring your own Bdaman is also welcome. Participants will be divided into groups, the champion of each group will enter a semi-final round.
<Double Car Racing Session> Quota : 16 Participants Max. Participants will be arranged into group.
Two rounds in total. Round 1 is mini 4WD car racing.
* Round2 is classic video game car racing. There will be free playing session after the racing. *own 4wd cars are required
FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/389607054705135/ related: TOY as medium-Floating Projects Assemblage session