
Searching for tag: miniatures

A Pictorial Close-view Narration: WWII is in the details through miniature-making 另一種敘述法從小節看:立體模型場景特寫看二次大戰

A Pictorial Close-view Narration: WWII is in the details through miniature-making 另一種敘述法從小節看:立體模型場景特寫看二次大戰

Narrated battles are understood as causes and consequences. What would miniatures do? Highlighting history as vignettes and isolated scenarioas, they invite us to contemplate the gaps in between. 戰爭化為敘事往往強調了因果關係,手造的微型模型則更像小插畫,其真實性存活於小節和細工裡。

自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

In Toy as Media 3, Wai-leung Lai changes strategy though still sticking to his favorite subject matter -- the battles of WWII. Surprise discovery: the hierarchy of events by significance could be mis-leading. How else to understand history? 《玩具媒介3》Toy as Media 第三集,黎偉亮的參展作品仍不離二戰軍事模型。因視力衰退老花加深,他將舊製作拍成照片加上新的註解,過程中卻無意地發現了一條隱隱約約的戰爭時間線,興起了說說這一段歷史的念頭。

LAI Wai-leung / 3 Models 三個模型,三個時空。
Lai Wai-leung / Military Miniature, My Toy, My Medium: A Maker’s Journal 軍事模型,我的媒體 ,我的玩具:玩家日誌 [“Toy as Medium” count-down]
Floating Projects Collective 2025