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自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

In Toy as Media 3, Wai-leung Lai changes strategy though still sticking to his favorite subject matter -- the battles of WWII. Surprise discovery: the hierarchy of events by significance could be mis-leading. How else to understand history? 《玩具媒介3》Toy as Media 第三集,黎偉亮的參展作品仍不離二戰軍事模型。因視力衰退老花加深,他將舊製作拍成照片加上新的註解,過程中卻無意地發現了一條隱隱約約的戰爭時間線,興起了說說這一段歷史的念頭。

LAI Wai-leung / 3 Models 三個模型,三個時空。
Lai Wai-leung / Military Miniature, My Toy, My Medium: A Maker’s Journal 軍事模型,我的媒體 ,我的玩具:玩家日誌 [“Toy as Medium” count-down]
Floating Projects Collective 2025