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Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

10月10-25日在據點現場發生的即興展/演《音》,是句點成員黎仲民的又一次實驗。新冠狀病毒期間可以搞怎樣的展覽?聲音的表演和展覽可以如何結合?取來的素材,是黃竹坑時期的 FP1.0 表演的翻新,以及石硤尾年頭的 FP2.0的表演紀錄,那會產生的是甚麼新活動?On site on 10-25 October at Floating Projects, A U D I O, a pop-up, is another one of FPC member Andio Lai’s experimental events of impromptu nature. With raw material from performances of FP1.0 (Wong Chuk Hang) and FP2.0 (Shek Kip Mei) as they were documented in different formats, what would be the outcome of the integration of sound, performance and exhibition?

Floating Projects Collective 2025