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Linda Lai / Art has its own truth content and truth procedures: In Defense of Video Manifestos (5) 藝術自有其滋養創造知識的過程,請繼續錄像宣言(5)

Linda Lai / Art has its own truth content and truth procedures: In Defense of Video Manifestos (5) 藝術自有其滋養創造知識的過程,請繼續錄像宣言(5)

In the 5th and final part of Linda Lai’s Prolog for Our Manifestos II reproduced in Floating Teatime, she asserts art’s power to generate knowledge, citing several theorists in Critical Theory, reiterating the place of experience. 《我們的錄像宣言2》的「引言」來到轉載「據點一杯茶」的最後一節:黎肖嫻引述不同「批評理論」的觀點,總結錄像書寫不單帶有生產知識的能量,更打開對「經驗」的重塑。

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 03《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 03

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 03《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 03

Book Launch. Celebration. Meet the Artists. Third book launch event (in Cantonese), 6 June 2021, introduces 4 of the 49 teams/artists in OUR MANIFESTOS 2, to give us a foretaste of the works and personal manifestos in the 365-page book, released on 2 June 2021. ALL are welcome. The new book will be available for sale.

Floating Projects Collective 2025