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Vennes Cheng / THINK-PAD series 03: Image constellation and the survival (Nachleben) of image「書寫作為思考」筆記系列三:圖像群與影像的續存

Vennes Cheng / THINK-PAD series 03: Image constellation and the survival (Nachleben) of image「書寫作為思考」筆記系列三:圖像群與影像的續存

Contemplating the “Nachleben” (afterlife, survival) of images in Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas, Vennes Cheng traces the intellectual sources of the anachronistic and biomorphic forces behind his phantasmagoric retrieval, a unique way to create art history as constellations of found objects, impulses, emotions, phenomena and complex temporality.作為藝術史的實驗,阿比沃堡最後遺作《記憶地圖》所用的「圖像(星)群」方法,牽涉到圖像的生存與復生。鄭秀慧透過德文 Nachleben 的不同翻譯,進一步理解這可形容為「幻象檢索」的導向如何擱置了年表、分期等結構,轉向視覺上的相似性、記憶的衝動、要體現的情感等的並置,衍生出實驗性的藝術歷史。

Floating Projects Collective 2025