
Searching for tag: intersection-of-science-and-humanities

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond?  建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond? 建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

A “war frame” and the use of militaristic metaphors have dominated the way we understand diseases. We are caught up in a bio-militarist vocabulary by which our knowledge of diseases is filtered through notions of besiege, battles, resistance, combat and so on. Are there other ways to frame diseases? In #04 of his extended reading report, Rodriguez raises the question and gathers some alternative views … 除了「戰役」的框架外,還有別的嗎?有沒有別的「隱喻」?是時候認真檢視「醫學人文學科」的發展,超越「生物軍國主義」對我們在認知疾病上的限制。羅海德繼續他的一連串讀書報告:如何述說 (narrativize) 疾病是尋求出路的起步。疾病作為敘事,有關疾病的敘事,敘事作為疾病,三者並行。

Floating Projects Collective 2025