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Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Are perspectives on diseases without a human agent (empirical perspective) possible? “ From the disease image perspective (o1) through the cooperative discourse (02-03), and the “war frame” (04), Hector Rodriguez advances a point of view that conceives of a person as part and support of an ecological community. And what if “the bacteria that inhabit a person’s body are to a large extent unique to that person”? The assumptions of a microbial ecosystem define what it means to be person, so that a person is an ecological community. How ought we to think of personal identity when we consider the role of built spaces and dynamic interactions in shaping our microbial signatures?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond?  建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond? 建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

A “war frame” and the use of militaristic metaphors have dominated the way we understand diseases. We are caught up in a bio-militarist vocabulary by which our knowledge of diseases is filtered through notions of besiege, battles, resistance, combat and so on. Are there other ways to frame diseases? In #04 of his extended reading report, Rodriguez raises the question and gathers some alternative views … 除了「戰役」的框架外,還有別的嗎?有沒有別的「隱喻」?是時候認真檢視「醫學人文學科」的發展,超越「生物軍國主義」對我們在認知疾病上的限制。羅海德繼續他的一連串讀書報告:如何述說 (narrativize) 疾病是尋求出路的起步。疾病作為敘事,有關疾病的敘事,敘事作為疾病,三者並行。

Floating Projects Collective 2025