Finding an ensemble of words to give form, thickness and density to flickering thoughts and fleeting sentiments is Ryan Chung’s persistent experiment in his “let the mind speak” series — speaking for its own sake, this time, “loneliness” must imprint its presence… What is the vocabulary of our own loneliness? 表述是為了堅守表述自由的維度。孤單是怎樣的?孤單的語彙是怎樣的?說了就是。鍾樹仁的思維自說自話。
You are twenty-two, or you could be 24, 30 or just 16. Emotions often escape words, but writing the act preserves that moment of struggling to give sentiments an outfit. Keep writing: let realities come through the cracks of grammatical and syntactic fabrics. 確定是22歲,或許24, 30;16歲可以嗎?情緒和感覺往往挑戰文字的限度;裹不住,盛載又不完全。只有「寫」,作為行動,以「演」為述。抓著那個時刻,殘酷的現實或許找到那片刻的機會破裂縫而迅出。
The first of a new series, “let the mind speak,” by fresh graduate Ryan Chung for Floating Teatime… #1 unfolds an unspeakable state of mind… 一個今年暑假剛畢業的大學生用「寫」跟自己對談。是過程,不論成果。《思維自說自話》系列第一篇。