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看「縫補歲月」,聽歲月留聲 Mending Years, fleeting sounds

看「縫補歲月」,聽歲月留聲 Mending Years, fleeting sounds

FP writer Wai-leung Lai visited group "Mending Years" as sounds from the past collaged to invoke contradicting thoughts about the 1960s and 1970s. Is there a single reading of the past? He starts with Linda Lai's "Domestic Moonlighting," Wong Kar-wai's films and more. 「據點」作者黎偉亮徐步於「縫補歲月」的五人展場中,聲頻片段拼貼湊合的氛圍喚起的是矛盾不一的記憶與論述。到底上世紀六七十年代是怎樣的?真能客觀定斷嗎?先由黎肖嫻的《家居副業》和王家衛等說起。

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Taking her work as an open-journey in progress, Winsome Wong's "Blanks in the Pictures" are partially filled her father’s writings which take her to new discovery. Her response to father’s piece...黃慧心的《照片的空白》因著父親的寫作而豐滿了?發問的行動和帶關注的好奇心,刷新了黃慧心的創作模式。唸完父親的述說,對父親、祖父母和一九六零年代有了新的感觸。

No Private Histories: Quantifying the Invisibles in Official Statistics: Domestic Moonlighting 1960s... 家居副業的生產力。只能在郵包和郵資找到的存在證據。1960年代的香港家居勞動力

No Private Histories: Quantifying the Invisibles in Official Statistics: Domestic Moonlighting 1960s... 家居副業的生產力。只能在郵包和郵資找到的存在證據。1960年代的香港家居勞動力

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Domestic Moonlighting (2023) adapts a work commissioned for the 9th Shanghai Biennale (2012-13). In the current iteration, Linda Lai highlights domestic moonlighting by women and children in HK in the 1960s-80s, estimated to value at postal volume of 57.5 million kg for RMB94.7 million, sent from Hong Kong to China. 《家居副業》(2023)。黎肖嫻的郵政考察顯示出上世紀六十到八十年代期間,香港婦女和小孩的家居副業從香港向中國支援,投遞了約五千七百五十萬公斤的小郵包物資,郵資總值九千四百七十萬人民幣。還有...

乾女兒的女兒 Goddaughter's daughter
 Linda Lai / on Kimburley Choi's "A Story of One’s Own" 有關蔡穎儀的《我所知她們的私己事》
乾女兒 Goddaughter

乾女兒 Goddaughter

人的一生從呱呱墜地開始,長大後會變成怎樣,誰也說不準。平凡人往往有不平凡的一面 …。 “What would become of me?” One could only wait to be surprised, FP writer Wai-leung Lai writes.

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Is there an intangible essence that might embody who we are? What positions do memories hold in forming one’s identity? Do our physical bodies suffice in representing us? How much of our sense of self relies on the reflexive process that governs our interpersonal relationships? HK-born Faith Monsod commits her graduation thesis to the quest.「我是誰」可以被理解為無形的實質嗎?例如,記憶能賦予我個人身份嗎?我的身體足以表徵我時誰?我的「自我意識」有多少是由我與別人的變動中的關係所衍生的?出生於香港的 Faith Monsod 用一個21分鐘的畢業作品去回應。

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

“Born in the later part of 97, I never got to experience Lai Yuen. For me, it is a place constructed by words and stories. … I would hear bits and pieces about the park and, somehow, it became part of my own childhood, part of my own memory.” (Pun Tsz-wai)「我出生於1997年的下半年,從未經驗過荔園是怎樣的。它是個由別人的字詞和故事合成的地方。一點一滴的聽著,荔園好像就是我自己的童年,是我個人的記憶。」– 潘子懷

Linda Lai / [Put away] The Kid on the Street, a prototype in HK Cinema 街童上樓:大排檔、公屋,香港電影的民間典型

Linda Lai / [Put away] The Kid on the Street, a prototype in HK Cinema 街童上樓:大排檔、公屋,香港電影的民間典型

In the second of a series of field notes as short essays, Linda Lai continues to craft possible histories of Hong Kong’s everyday interiority through the lens of “intelligentsia” responses within the filmmaking community in the immediate post-WW2 years. 一連三篇由「細路祥」出發的第二篇:黎肖嫻繼續探討「細路祥」化身銀幕上,成為了甚麼樣的文化資本。小孩所牽連的是一張複雜的管治的權力網。

Floating Projects Collective 2025