
Searching for tag: writing

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Taking her work as an open-journey in progress, Winsome Wong's "Blanks in the Pictures" are partially filled her father’s writings which take her to new discovery. Her response to father’s piece...黃慧心的《照片的空白》因著父親的寫作而豐滿了?發問的行動和帶關注的好奇心,刷新了黃慧心的創作模式。唸完父親的述說,對父親、祖父母和一九六零年代有了新的感觸。

關於當年父親艱苦謀生和先母幫補家計的二三事 Two or three things about my father's struggle through hardship and how my mother provided subsidies 1960s-80s

關於當年父親艱苦謀生和先母幫補家計的二三事 Two or three things about my father's struggle through hardship and how my mother provided subsidies 1960s-80s

To fill in the almost unconquerable blank spaces of her grand parents' days through the 1960s-80s, Winsome Wong asked her father to write what he remembers, a precious piece to add to the puzzles of Hong Kong's so-calle “golden age” of manufacturing industries. 為了填補照片和家常對話所留下的空白,黃慧心發現最好的下一步是請當年寫文章了得的父親去紀錄他的父母親的軼事,呈現的不單是她祖母模糊不解的過去,更是香港上世紀六十到八十年代小市民掙扎著活下去的面貌的清晰碎片。

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 1: an Excerpt from My Mind 「思維自說自話」1 – 片段,斷片

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 1: an Excerpt from My Mind 「思維自說自話」1 – 片段,斷片

The first of a new series, “let the mind speak,” by fresh graduate Ryan Chung for Floating Teatime… #1 unfolds an unspeakable state of mind… 一個今年暑假剛畢業的大學生用「寫」跟自己對談。是過程,不論成果。《思維自說自話》系列第一篇。

Zach McLane / Crossing the Distance Between Reading and Speaking

Zach McLane / Crossing the Distance Between Reading and Speaking

Zach McLane and Susan Lin, two fresh graduates from USC, visited the Floating Projects and activities associated with FP members all over Hong Kong a weekend in late September. Zach returns with a “dedication” to mark the brief moment of his trip which seems the new beginning of many things to come. And what about videography?

Floating Projects Collective 2025