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Videography as Tentacular Practices: “Linda Chiu-han Lai, Retrospective,” C3A, Spain 錄像書寫作為多觸創作(黎肖嫻錄像回顧選輯)

Videography as Tentacular Practices: “Linda Chiu-han Lai, Retrospective,” C3A, Spain 錄像書寫作為多觸創作(黎肖嫻錄像回顧選輯)

Linda Lai wrote “Videography as Tentacular Practices” to introduce the “Linda Chiu-han Lai, Retrospective,” 2021,02.05-06.13 at Centro de Creacion Contemporanea de Andalucia (C3A), Cordoba, Spain. 黎肖嫻為 2021,02.05-06.13 在西班牙科爾多瓦的安達盧西亞當代美術館的《黎肖嫻回顧展》寫「錄像書寫作為多觸創作」陳述她的創作方法和理念。

Floating Projects Collective 2025