*An interactive video archive installed at Floating Projects, 3-19 December 2022. (All videos subtitled in English) *Video Forum, 10 December 2022 (3:30-5:30pm), will feature Kimburley Choi and Fei-pang Wong, hosted by Linda C.H. Lai (conducted in Cantonese).
La Casa 3: The Apartments records a series of apartments, from Manhattan to different parts of Hong Kong, where the artist and her partner took abode. A 18-minute exercise of the mind’s power to remember, from the most material to the unspeakable… 如何說自己的居所?只想為生活的內部節奏留些可歌可譜的痕跡,核心是白日的失神、晚間的夢魘、錯置、不明所以,走一步就是一步。作品,就在表達與木訥之間進行了一次18分鐘裹藏著的念力。
Linda Lai wrote “Videography as Tentacular Practices” to introduce the “Linda Chiu-han Lai, Retrospective,” 2021,02.05-06.13 at Centro de Creacion Contemporanea de Andalucia (C3A), Cordoba, Spain. 黎肖嫻為 2021,02.05-06.13 在西班牙科爾多瓦的安達盧西亞當代美術館的《黎肖嫻回顧展》寫「錄像書寫作為多觸創作」陳述她的創作方法和理念。
Manifesto 2 artists have started to meet on-line to examine the what, why and how of their videographic practices as ways to remember. This is the first of a series to report on the artists’ conversations. We kick off with team-members’ words from Linda Lai, Winsome Wong and Elaine Wong on how they envision the project. 「錄像宣言2」的創作者的在線對話已經啟動,將在此園地陸續發表。首先,團隊成員的其中三位 – 黎肖嫻、黃慧心、黃淑賢 — 先來道出這次計劃點滴心思與憧憬。
10 artists on “home” and its ramifications on-site exhibition until 26 July 2019 | 2nd screening + forum: Saturday, 20 July 2019, 6:00-10:00pm 李偉盛 Shing Lee on home-making… 阿嫲走了,但陪她走過的加州陽光,還陪著我走 Granny left us, but the Californian sunshine that once accompanied her never left. about the artist… 香港獨立電影人。2011年於香港知專設計學院畢業。自從2014年他的首部作品入圍台灣南方影展後,便開始從事獨立電影製作。期後,他到采風電影和北京草場地深造紀錄片拍攝。在2016至2018年期間,他與中國獨立紀錄片研究會的合作,讓他得到更多製作獨立紀錄片的機會。近期,他透過香港大學的香港紀錄片拓展種子基金完成了作品《團團圓》,並獲得第二十四屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽金獎(公開組)。 Hong Kong independent filmmaker. Graduated from Hong Kong Design […]
In “Home Making” (“Have a Balanced Diet” #3, 2019.07.12-26) FP member Ding Cheuk-laam and 14 other artists/researchers extend the quest for experimentation as a general attitude of life to home-making. What kind of habitats do we seek to create? How have we actually constructed our home via artistic imagination?「 間房要不要牆? 」是FP成員丁卓藍發起的《日常飲像影食》系列的第3部,連同14為創作和研究者繼續堅持實驗(性)作為一種整體的生活態度,並以房子這個熟悉而具體的日常空間為前題,看如何因著創作的行動,人的主體與媒體技術的互相啟發,「家」、房子就成了發聲運動的起點。
“Be the rolling stones,” an alter graduation art show, ignited discussions on experimental actions and moving images as the makers’ unique connection with the lifeworld. Winnie Yan interviewed some of the participating artists…
To make a monument that does not monumentalize… Linda Lai explains her conception of “Mnemonic Archiving” in which 19 new objects embody her videography to date at Pearl Lam Galleries-Singapore, 7 May – 3 July 2016.
[FP EXHIBITION REVIEW) Josef Bares discusses Lee Kai-chung’s strategy of rendering public records to “becoming private,” “expressing some things and feelings too nuanced to be expressed in words.”
written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Silence (1998/Sylvie Bringas and Orly Yadin) Silence has an alternative approach as a documentary which narrates a damaged orphan’s childhood against the background of the Holocaust during Second World War. It proposes comprehensive strategies […]