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月圓夏之夢 Interspecies drama in a full-moon summer evening

月圓夏之夢 Interspecies drama in a full-moon summer evening

In an unplanned hanging out in summer, Taiwan-based FP writer Vanessa Tsai found her direct encounter with the “Brown Land Crabs” (aka Chestnut crabs, or red-claw crabs) invoking interspecies thinking: must we sustain human survival at the cost of natural survival? 據點駐台作者蔡季妙趁暑假鬆一口氣,隨心的到台南曾文溪口一遊,正值「凶狠圓軸蟹」產卵時節,觸發了「種間思維」對人和自然共生的必要性。

Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

荷花(蓮花)不一定是詩人文人的專屬。據點友好駐台灣作者來個自然科學的角度。談談「仿生學」以致日漸弱化的生物多樣性。Lotus flowers are favourite objects of Chinese poetry and literary writing in general. FP friend, Tai Chung-based writer, Vanessa Tsai takes a natural science perspective: have we noticed the shrinking variety of plant species, and what is bionics doing?

Floating Projects Collective 2025