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Linda Lai / From thick descriptions to radical empiricism: In Defense of Manifestos (4) 聲影的純厚描述衍生革新的經驗論:繼續宣言(4)

Linda Lai / From thick descriptions to radical empiricism: In Defense of Manifestos (4) 聲影的純厚描述衍生革新的經驗論:繼續宣言(4)

In part 4 of Linda Lai’s Prolog reproduced for Floating Teatime, she accounted for how Manifestos 2 evolved from Manifestos 1 — a major shift from a Deleuzian contemplation of time and space to radical empiricism. 《我們的錄像書寫2》「序言」轉載的第4節:黎肖嫻指出從「宣言一」到「宣言二」的衍化和突破:跳出德勒茲式對活動影像中對時間的純厚描述而重點轉移到革新的經驗論。

Linda Lai / The Dialectics of Fluid Manifestos: In Defense of Manifestos (3) 宣言、記述的辯證關係,創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(3)

Linda Lai / The Dialectics of Fluid Manifestos: In Defense of Manifestos (3) 宣言、記述的辯證關係,創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(3)

Our Manifestos II upholds videography beyond the concern of moving image aesthetics and opens up the ethics of art practices to embrace the complex, crisis-ridden contexts in which we live. In the 3rd of the 5-part series, Linda Lai maintains the necessity of manifesto-writing to be fluid, performative, dialectical practices.《我們的錄像宣言2》於「據點一杯茶」5次連載的第3篇:黎肖嫻堅持宣言寫作思維實踐上的獨立性,撇開西方現代性的歷史包袱,辯證的、演述式的、柔潤的發揮宣言的力,儘管如何短暫,有待轉化。

Floating Projects Collective 2025