Heterotopia, next to its spatial otherness, constitutes an alternative temporal ordering, giving an impression of timelessness, or emphasizing the transitory and the ephemeral. Heterotopias are produced, with a transformative tendency, and cannot be reduced to readymade methods or generalization of types.「異托邦」在空間性和時間性上都擁有其另類的秩序。它不是任何別的空間正因為它有自己的時間組織。如何把「異托邦」推進為帶有「轉化」力的實踐?這比簡化「異托邦」為普遍值更為重要。
Heterotopias as spatial realities confront us with the need to undo established syntax and linguistic categories as they do not exhaust all the possibilities open to visual experience. New orderings are always possible which fall outside our customary expectations. 思考異托邦的涵義有助我們打開我們的社會政治的想像,不住尋求另類的思考和行動模式。異托邦是一套語彙,要求我們在論述語言上的更新,開拓新的語彙就是開拓新的秩序。
「異托邦」:我們都活於空間的時代。異托邦是論述的空間,網絡的空間,社會的空間,思維的空間,效率操控的空間…卻絕對不是單一、單向的空間。 In 3 parts, Rodriguez’s reading report traces the centrality of space cutting through Michel Foucault’s corpus through the concept of “heterotopia.”