
Searching for tag: reading-report

《垃圾之書》讀後雜感 Reading birdwatcher Łubieński's account of waste catastrophe

《垃圾之書》讀後雜感 Reading birdwatcher Łubieński's account of waste catastrophe

Another anthropocene scenario, a critical reflection of our environmental consciousness through an ornithologist's observation. What can we do, FP contributor Vanessa Tsai asks. 蔡季妙看著生活環境的惡化和資源分配的傾斜,慨嘆個體的無能為力,亦為環保意識中的一些矯枉過正作出反思,她問:你想做甚麼?你願意犧牲甚麼?你能做甚麼?

《旅館》讀書會後之喃喃自語 Murmurs after group-reading HOTEL LIFE

《旅館》讀書會後之喃喃自語 Murmurs after group-reading HOTEL LIFE

Emerging from a group-reading session of Levander and Guerl’s Hotel Life , F-Teatime contributor Vanessa Tsai reflects on herself as a lone sojourner. Anything can happen…? 。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙借「旅館」讀書會探討人與旅館的關係,亦訴說天涯孤客的心情:浪跡異地,各有懷抱,前路茫不可知,誰也像浮萍,誰也需要一個安心所。(

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Are perspectives on diseases without a human agent (empirical perspective) possible? “ From the disease image perspective (o1) through the cooperative discourse (02-03), and the “war frame” (04), Hector Rodriguez advances a point of view that conceives of a person as part and support of an ecological community. And what if “the bacteria that inhabit a person’s body are to a large extent unique to that person”? The assumptions of a microbial ecosystem define what it means to be person, so that a person is an ecological community. How ought we to think of personal identity when we consider the role of built spaces and dynamic interactions in shaping our microbial signatures?

《娛樂至死》讀後,身為教師的自省 A school teaching reading Amusing Ourselves to Death

《娛樂至死》讀後,身為教師的自省 A school teaching reading Amusing Ourselves to Death

因讀書會的推介而細讀波茲曼的《娛樂至死》20週年台灣中譯本的據點作者蔡季妙,深刻檢視了作為自然科學的小學教師的本位,策問:有趣的教學和嚴肅深度的學習真的不可共存?Taiwan-based FP writer and science teacher to children Vanessa Tsai read Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death and asked if she must choose between entertainment and serious teaching in order to be effective, or if that is a false binary.

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

2020年7月,據點成員駱敏聰從黎肖嫻的手裏取來《三毛流浪記》全集的第七集,寫個自由發揮的「閱讀報告」。三毛的遭遇,在三個「問三毛」的「隨機訪談」中漠然化開了,難成合體的論述;讀故事的人卻在前台亮點。這是個有關當下香港人的非典型讀漫畫的案例。FP member Kel Lok took #7 of the story of Three Hair’s wandering to attempt a book review, which turns out to be an ensemble of personae reading the copy on a poor kid’s encounters in the war-torn years of 1930s-1940s through the lens of a contemporary person. The sensationalist… The skeptic… The indifferent one… The one making detours…

Hector Rodriguez / [revised] Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 3   福柯的「異托邦」(筆記三)

Hector Rodriguez / [revised] Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 3 福柯的「異托邦」(筆記三)

Heterotopia, next to its spatial otherness, constitutes an alternative temporal ordering, giving an impression of timelessness, or emphasizing the transitory and the ephemeral. Heterotopias are produced, with a transformative tendency, and cannot be reduced to readymade methods or generalization of types.「異托邦」在空間性和時間性上都擁有其另類的秩序。它不是任何別的空間正因為它有自己的時間組織。如何把「異托邦」推進為帶有「轉化」力的實踐?這比簡化「異托邦」為普遍值更為重要。

Hector Rodriguez / [revised] Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 2  福柯的「異托邦」(筆記二)

Hector Rodriguez / [revised] Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 2 福柯的「異托邦」(筆記二)

Heterotopias as spatial realities confront us with the need to undo established syntax and linguistic categories as they do not exhaust all the possibilities open to visual experience. New orderings are always possible which fall outside our customary expectations. 思考異托邦的涵義有助我們打開我們的社會政治的想像,不住尋求另類的思考和行動模式。異托邦是一套語彙,要求我們在論述語言上的更新,開拓新的語彙就是開拓新的秩序。

Hector Rodriguez / Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 1  福柯的「異托邦」(筆記一)

Hector Rodriguez / Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 1 福柯的「異托邦」(筆記一)

「異托邦」:我們都活於空間的時代。異托邦是論述的空間,網絡的空間,社會的空間,思維的空間,效率操控的空間…卻絕對不是單一、單向的空間。 In 3 parts, Rodriguez’s reading report traces the centrality of space cutting through Michel Foucault’s corpus through the concept of “heterotopia.”

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

If a global cooperative society is essential to the combat of COVID-19, our situation is a gloomy one. Current geo-politics does not take us out of a notion-based combat strategy; and the causal mechanisms presumed by the science of epidemics require enormous financial support. 如果疾病、傳染病是「文化形態」,有個人、群體、社會機制、地緣政治、經濟能力各個多種的面向的話,又必須有超越國族為本的協力社群,為何我們每天聽到和針對的,都僅是處理個人和病毒之間的操守?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 01: Disease pictures 建構疾病 一:疾病的圖像

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 01: Disease pictures 建構疾病 一:疾病的圖像

In response to the expanding discursive battles of COVID-19 at the centre of new global politics, Hector Rodriguez focuses on the disease research as a discursive practice, de-mystifying lay assumptions that scientific knowledge is absolute and objective. From “disease picture” to “world picture” lies a series legitimizing mechanisms that are beyond medicine. 回應 COVID-19 所的牽連的論述戰和全球政治,羅海德博士的「建構疾病」系列針對疾病醫理研究如何建基於特定的前提,打破了外行人以為科學知識絕對而客觀的一廂情願的看法。

Floating Projects Collective 2025