Michael Leung / ON LAND 08: Dream 「在地」八:夢

Michael Leung / ON LAND 08: Dream 「在地」八:夢

Michael Leung 梁志剛

Michael Leung 梁志剛

發表於: 26 Jun 2020

It’s a dream! Wuhan, Coronavirus, mum, art, Noam Chomsky. 夢就是這樣的。武漢 – 新冠狀肺炎 – 媽媽 – 藝術 – 語言學家及社會批判學者喬姆斯基。


In my dream I visited a closed down Wuhan wet market, and returned later with my mum and sisters to see it vandalised, with broken windows. There was an art exhibition in the building next door. In the learning and workshop area I saw a giant map covered with multicoloured pins, art materials and a reprint of an artwork by my mum. When I noticed a packet of propolis sweets and was about to help myself to one, my mum suddenly called me to go to the main exhibition room to see her artwork. When I brought out my phone to take a photo of her work I received a video from Noam Chomsky showing his eight-year old son’s chemistry experiment. His son looked happy and was wearing an oversized red beret. I can’t remember the details of her artwork, but it was around A3-sized, lapis blue, oval-shaped, and looked like a woodblock print.

P.S. In the afternoon Chomsky was in my email [1] too.


[1] Noam Chomsky: In Response to Coronavirus, “You Can Do Something” — an interview with Noam Chomsky by Chris Brook, Jacobin 14 April 2020.


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