Back to the Void - LEE Ho Wing Solo Exhibition 推回到空處-李可穎個展
是次展覽將於「據點。句點」空間進行,以閱讀作為搜尋的方法,探索書籍中蘊藏的啟示,擁抱從直覺引發的點子,讓書籍以不同秩序聚合並建立聯繫,呈現一種必須在「據點圖書館」這個空間才可以發生的作品。在《書本也參戰》一書中,茉莉.戈波提爾.曼寧道出「據點圖書館」收集了1942年勝利募書運動的舊書,讓軍營中的士兵在書中獲得短暫的喘息處。這一口氣,從某個缺口呼出,化作飄浮的力量,令書籍漂流到另一個空間;那種流動就如「據點。句點」 空間的特性,以動能衍生生存的力量,以募集作為實驗的起始點。 貨箱是重覆出現的物件, 其作用在於裝載書籍送達到不同地點。運送的通道未如期許,箱子或許會被卡住某處,或須把它推進某個空處才能清空通道。這種來來回回的勞動跟創作同出一轍,沒有車輪但痕跡依然存在。
日期: 7.7.2018-20.7.2018 (星期一休息)
開幕: 7.7.2018 3:00-5:00 pm
對談 – 黎肖嫻博士與李可穎對談: 7.7.2018 5:00-6:00 pm
地點: 據點。句點 地址:香港黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室
Back to the Void- LEE Ho Wing Solo Exhibition
LEE Ho Wing Michelle continued her encounters with libraries and walked through the accidentally opened passage, reached the “Base Library” at two different nodes of time and space.
The venue of the “Floating Projects” at Wong Chuk Hang will transform the exhibition site-specifically. Using reading as a searching method, LEE seeks for the enlightenment brought about by books, embraces ideas that follow from her intuitive thinking, and makes books meet and establish connections in multiple orders, deploying the provisions of the “Floating Projects Library” already installed on site. In the book When Books Went to War, Molly Guptill Manning mentioned how the used books gathered by Victory Book Campaign in 1942 offered soldiers a temporary breathing space when reading. It is as if fresh breadth is exhaled from a void and turned into a floating force, transporting the books as they drift into another space. This kind of flow is like the character of the “Floating Projects”, which turns kinetic energy into fuels that sustain survival, and the act of gleaning into experimental actions. Crates are the reoccurring objects that serve to load books to different locations. The delivery passage may not always be as expected: the box may be stuck somewhere, or must be pushed into a void for a clear passage. But the repetitive laborious act is similar to art creation, and both leave some memorable traces.
Date: 7.7.2018 - 20.7.2018 (close on Mondays)
Opening: 7.7.2018 3:00-5:00 pm
Dialogue between Michelle LEE and Dr. Linda Lai: 7.7.2018 5:00-6:30 pm
Venue: Floating Projects
Address: Unit D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
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