Director in Focus: Lilian Fu, animation artist 焦點導演:動畫創作人傅詠欣

Director in Focus: Lilian Fu, animation artist 焦點導演:動畫創作人傅詠欣

FPC founding member and animation artist Lilian Fu will discuss the documentary impulse alive in her animation practice through sharing episodes of her works, as FP's Elemental Dynamite research series by Winnie Yan and Linda Lai – in DIRECTOR IN FOCUS: LILIAN FU (27 November 2018)



2018年11月27日 - 晚上7:30* 據點(JCCAC,L3-06D) 

自由捐獻 * 輕食將於晚上 7時開始供應。 節目大約1小時,放映後設映後對談。 (Please scroll down for English version.) 


據點 很高興邀請到我們的創始成員傅詠欣回來,成為「焦點導演」的第一位創作者。



/ 放映節目 

想像 外婆 / 2011 / 8’ 26” 

「孩子說」 (香港電台委約作品)^ / 2014 

兄弟姐妹 / 3’ 8” | 壞情緒 / 3’ 8”  | 快樂 / 3’ | 小孩和大人 / 2’ 45” | 朋友 / 3’ 9” | 家庭 / 3’ | 好人和壞人 / 3’ 5” | 生老病死 / 3’ 2” | / 2’ 58” | 世界 / 3’ 3” | 我的濕地日記 / 2018 / 10’ 41” 

^ 特別鳴謝 香港電台慷慨支持,放映全系列委約作品「孩子說」。


/ 與傅詠欣對談 

自從創作她的第一部動畫紀錄片短片後,已經差不多十年了,究竟甚麼吸引 Lilian 持續創作動畫紀錄片呢?她如何在短片製作生涯中一步一步向前?每件作品背後的挑戰又是什麼呢?在這次對話中,Lilian 將談到她作為倫敦獨立動畫師的經歷和觀察。 


- 傅詠欣 (Lilian FU) 自2008年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院以來,Lilian Fu 一直是活躍的動畫師,擁有10年的動畫​​製作經驗。她曾在香港當地比賽和國際電影節上獲得過多個獎項,包括IFVA(香港)。 Lilian Fu 曾與香港藝術中心、綠色和平組織和香港電台合作。她在英國國家電影電視學院(NFTS)以優異成績完成動畫導演碩士學位。目前她居住在倫敦,並在倫敦 BBC、Mosaic Films Limited 和 Alaraby TV 擔任自由創作者。 http://lilianfu.com/ 


Director in Focus: Lilian Fu 


27 November 2018 - 7.30pm

*Floating Projects (JCCAC, L3-06D) Free Donation 

*Snack and refreshments will be served at 7pm. 

The screening program is approximately 1 hour followed by a conversation with Lilian. 


Floating Projects is delighted to kickstart our ‘Director in Focus’ series with Lilian Fu, a dedicated animation artist and one of the FPC founding members in 2010. 


The screening program features a selection of her diversified animated documentary shorts, from personal story to collective memory, from family to places, and many more… 


/ Screening Program 


Fishing With Popo / 2011 / 8’ 26”

“Kids Say Series" (Commissioned by RTHK)^ / 2014 

Siblings / 3’ 8” | Sadness and anger / 3’ 8” | Happiness / 3’ | Kids and Adults / 2’ 45” | Friendship / 3’ 9” | Family / 3’ | Good and Bad / 3’ 5” | Life and Death / 3’ 2” | Love / 2’ 58” | World / 3’ 3” | Wetlands in My Heart / 2018 / 10’ 41” 

^ Special thanks to Radio Television Hong Kong(RTHK) for the generous support to show the complete series of "Kids Say". 


/ In Conversation with Lilian Fu 

It has been almost a decade ever since she made her very first animated documentary short. What is it that fascinates Lilian most about documentary, and animated documentary in particular? How did she step forward in her filmmaking career and what are the different challenges behind each work? In this conversation, Lilian will talk about her experience and observation as an independent animator based in London. 


- Lilian FU (傅詠欣) 

Since graduated from the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong, in 2008, Lilian Fu has been an active animator with 10 years’ animating experience. She has won several awards in local competitions and international film festivals, including the IFVA (Hong Kong). Lilian Fu has also worked with the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Greenpeace and RTHK. She finished her MA in animation directing in the National Film and Television School (NFTS) in the United Kingdom with Distinction. Currently she resides in London and is working as freelancer with BBC, Mosaic Films Limited and Alaraby TV in London. http://lilianfu.com/


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