
Searching for tag: winnie-yan

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Too Long Ago, Not Far, Winnie Yan's FPC open door solo (2023.09.16-10.08), turns the play with sight-and-sound fragments into a subjective-materialist time and space asserting a decentred subject. 《在不太遙遠的很久以前》 (據點打開門個人發表 202

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

據點句點新成員鄭嘉雯參加了2022年5月6日星期五晚的 Assemblage 熱身,自行發現「聚疊」的內藴。即興是怎樣的一回事? What does improvization look like? FPC new member Dory Cheng provided her account as a fresh performer-participant at the 6th May Assemblage.

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

究竟是什麼原因,一段津津樂道的歷史,一個大家認為具代表性的活動,最後變成了文化遺產? What does improvization look like? Here’s an account of what happened on site at Floating Projects in the evening of 6th of May, by FPC member WONG Fuk-kuen…

Linda Lai / The material form of remembering: thought paths and mute speech: In Defense of Manifestos (2) 「記好」的物質性,思路啞音微敘事:繼續宣言(2)

Linda Lai / The material form of remembering: thought paths and mute speech: In Defense of Manifestos (2) 「記好」的物質性,思路啞音微敘事:繼續宣言(2)

The “Prolog” of “Our Manifestos II” (2021.05) explicitly examines videography as a way of living, an attitude of life, and the quest for in-depth transformation in the midst of complex, crisis living. In the 2nd of the 5-part series, Linda Lai discusses videography as soundings, ways to voice out as crafted thought paths, the materiality of remembering as micro narratives.《我們的錄像宣言2》於「據點一杯茶」5次連載的第2篇:黎肖嫻開宗明義把錄像書寫看為一種創作人的活的型態和取向,以至於對深度轉化的渴求。如是,對錄像書寫的認知遠超狹義的藝術操守和理所當然的影像美學。這次,她提出了錄像書寫作為「發聲」的藝術的面向。「記住」,必須透過「思路」的展現,而這就是錄像的「微」敘事性格。

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 01 《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 01
Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Localized Blindness (2019-2020) is Winnie Yan’s most recently completed video work, for Manifesto 2. She spotlit the backstage of the work’s making process, performing the complex world of thoughts and emotions traversing within. 忻慧妍的《局部失明》含蓄如密碼佈陣,定睛創作的後台是另一種風景。與其說是心情和動機上的剖白,不如說是現在進行式的隨著她的思緒找發聲的調韻。聽一個人所訴之白跟看著一個人訴白,是兩個不同的經驗,都源自記錄的衝動。

FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC members participated in an cross-ocean exchange of image and text with artists in Melbourne as the third and final episode of Elizaveta Maltseva’s curatorial project, in collaboration with the Melbourne-based literary journal Going Down Swinging. One year has passed since the show Return Flight: MEL <---->HKG met the public in Melbourne (August) and Hong Kong (September) respectively. This short video looks back on our exchange conversation. 《回程機:墨爾本<---->香港》18個兩地創作人的圖文交流轉眼已是一年前的事。存留的檔案為我們抓住了一些神髓。

Manifesto 2 team / Documentary impulses: what to remember, how to remember (1) 紀錄的衝動:如何記住,記憶的實作(一)

Manifesto 2 team / Documentary impulses: what to remember, how to remember (1) 紀錄的衝動:如何記住,記憶的實作(一)

Manifesto 2 artists have started to meet on-line to examine the what, why and how of their videographic practices as ways to remember. This is the first of a series to report on the artists’ conversations. We kick off with team-members’ words from Linda Lai, Winsome Wong and Elaine Wong on how they envision the project. 「錄像宣言2」的創作者的在線對話已經啟動,將在此園地陸續發表。首先,團隊成員的其中三位 – 黎肖嫻、黃慧心、黃淑賢 — 先來道出這次計劃點滴心思與憧憬。

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

[press release] An intimate journey with experimental animation from the US, Europe, Japan and Korea (1935-2017). In the summer kick-off of “Elemental Dynamite: Research on Intermedia Practices in Animated Pictures,” EXiS Program Director Lee Hangjun takes us through in conversations.【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

《原格破裂》為何動畫? | 夏季 | 據點 “Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this summer

《原格破裂》為何動畫? | 夏季 | 據點 “Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this summer

【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

Floating Projects Collective 2025