Right Here, Left Now, Out There 在這,仍在,現在 | Micro-Narrative 微敘事 2019
Right Here, Left Now, Out There 在這,仍在,現在
Micro-Narrative 2019
29 May 2019 @ FP | 6:30-8:30pm
“I am a tourist,” I reminded myself. Though I might appear to be in a position (a teaching assistant) that is closer to be someone “in the know”, more often I wish to have that courage just to ask, to understand more clearly what push each one of them to hold up a camera and press that little red button, something I felt very reluctant to do from time to time. Where were you? What cameras were you holding? How long was the take? How many shots did you throw away? How are you lately, are you alright? Right Here, Left Now, Out There showcases a series of visual experimentation from students in the class Micro-Narratives (School of Creative Media) conducted by Prof. Linda Lai during the year. Out of almost 80 pieces of work produced from this class, the selected works in this event reflect multiple trajectories that demonstrate some conscientious explorations, from time/space, the medium and its format, to many more personal insights and distinct intuition in constructing their many own micro-narratives.
| Winnie Yan, selector for the video program
**Related Readings 相關閱讀: "We need less perfect but more free films..."
Video works to show... Aurelia Giovanni LAKSMANA WHAT 2m46s / 2019 / Sound / Colour Alexander FRANK Three Frames 2m36s / 2019 / Sound / Colour LAM Yuen-Ching Esther 林琬晴 You Come I Come Over 2m10s / 2019 / Sound / Colour LEUNG Yiu-lam Marco 梁耀林 Angle 2m51s / 2019 / Sound / Colour Ittiteerarak Weera-it 張國樑 Tense And Stretch 2m / 2019 / Sound / B&W Savannah Wei 魏珂 Through the Tunnel 1m59s / 2019 / Silent / Colour Michelle SHUM 岑曉昕 10 secs 1m39s / 2019 / Sound / B&W HO Sum Yee Sammi 何心怡 Family 3m21s / 2019 / Sound / Colour JI Ziwei 季子惟 Hide and Seek 2m15s / 2019 / Silent / Colour HUI Tsz Ho 許梓昊 Untitled 2m41s/ 2019 / Sound / Colour Aurelia Giovanni LAKSMANA Untitled 4m45s / 2019 / Sound / Colour LEE Pui-yan 李佩恩 Untitled 2m38s / 2019 / Sound / Colour KWONG Wai-yi 鄺惠怡 Assignment 3 1m33s / 2019 / Sound / Colour Marvin HAUCK Day Rain 11m20s / 2019 / Sound / Colour LAM Yuen Ching, Esther 林琬晴 Anatawadareni 5m6s / 2019 / Sound / Colour MAN Nga-lok Esther 文雅樂 I Learned My Alphabets from ABC Soup 5m13s / 2019 / Sound / Colour WU Man-chiu Joris 胡文釗 Swim, in the sea of Victoria 14m30s / 2019 / Sound / Colour
***Total Running Time: 69m 27s