SKETCH OUT 稿展 30.10-18.11.2018 (TUE-SUN) | 2:00pm - 9:00pm CLOSED ON MONDAYS + **10.11(SAT)** 逢星期一及 *11月10日(星期六)休息
這是一次稿展: 一個有關原稿,想法和過程的展覽。 展覽的概念,來自自己做作品前所畫的一些原稿。每個藝術家都會有自己的草稿形式,可以是文字創作、電腦程式、零件、音樂、光影⋯ 這次,幾位據點成員的原稿中有影片,有電路圖,有樣板樂器,有旅遊寫生,有自己、朋友、生活飮食,還有一些煩惱。有的即興,有的迂迴曲折,坦言並非每張原稿都能直接連繫到往後的創作,但每一張都是一個想要釐清思路、動手實驗的憑證。 由 黎仲民 策劃
- This is a sketch show. This is an exhibition on sketching, thinking and processing. The idea stemmed from the sketches I have throughout my own artistic practice. Perhaps each artist has their own unique collection of sketches, that might be made up of writings, computer programmings, electronic components, melodies, lights and shadows... Presented by the Floating Projects Collective, this show presents a spectrum of sketches which consists of video, circuit diagram, instrumental prototype and many more. Some of them illustrate a journey, a friend, a diet, some doubts or a thin layer of melancholy. Some are impromptu, some are drawn with hours and days of thinking, struggling... Frankly, not every single sketch brings us to our final creation, nor does any one of them is planned to be 'a work of art'. Each of them, however, is a genuine trace of an eagerness to think, or to experiment further.
Curated by Andio LAI