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Ventriloquists 2021 / 07-Pictograms analyzing Nolan’s INCEPTION 腹語系之七:圖解《潛行凶間》

Ventriloquists 2021 / 07-Pictograms analyzing Nolan’s INCEPTION 腹語系之七:圖解《潛行凶間》

Why are these young artists drawn to Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010)? Must dreamwork be understood as the manifestation of our unconscious in the Freudian sense? The dream narrative in Nolan’s work suggest technology’s possible to insert a mechanism that narrativize the present, pockets of past memories and emotive response to remembering… Here are some pictograms tapping into these thoughts. 電影《潛行凶間》吸引了不少年青創作人的好奇。夢敘事不再是佛洛伊德下意識世界的活動的敘事化表現,而是科技的植插,把個人記憶、現實、情緒變動化成一種監控和介入。這裡是幾個重構這個反前向線性的電影敘事體的創作分析圖。

Ventriloquists 2021 / 04-Complex Narrative Pictograms 腹語系之四:「圖像資訊分析」,繁複世界繁而不雜
Ventriloquists 2021 / 02-Individual Perspectives 2 腹語系之二:個人故事個人觀點(下)

Ventriloquists 2021 / 02-Individual Perspectives 2 腹語系之二:個人故事個人觀點(下)

Sofya Antonova continues Flynn Hadre’s discovery of individual perspectives to introduce personal stories told with intense photographic intervention. 有些作品值得看,就因為它是作者的個人經歷和生活的過程。繼 Flynn Hadre 的介紹,Sofya Antonova 察看到攝影和活動影像語言的震撼力;聲影不單說故事,更開創了個人經驗。

Floating Projects Collective 2025