
Searching for tag: sofya-anatova

Ventriloquists 2021 / 06-Fairy Tale Pictograms 腹語系之六:神話仙圖

Ventriloquists 2021 / 06-Fairy Tale Pictograms 腹語系之六:神話仙圖

誰需要童話、仙境?成年人。童話用美麗的外貌包裝著似謊話非謊話又不能盡言的現實碎片。五個作品,仙境是引入,內部內裡又一個世界。圖像解構,就是為了把外貌與內涵的勾連表達出來。Fairy tales are not just for children, nor are animation pictures. The works in this post seek to reveal appearances of fairy tale that hide the flip side of magic which could be horror.

Ventriloquists 2021 / 05-Dream Narratives 腹語系之五:夢敘事

Ventriloquists 2021 / 05-Dream Narratives 腹語系之五:夢敘事

Dreams are a place for the human brain’s sub- and unconscious; they are a space beyond the boundaries of reality and the everyday, but are the vibrant forces impregnating several works in The Ventriloquists 2, as Elizabeth Biek introduces them. 「夢」是我們的潛意識和下意識的彰顯,繪形繪聲,卻與現實和日常不同領域。這裡所介紹的幾個「腹語系」作品看來甚為日常,夢的流量卻溢滿、迴旋。

Ventriloquists 2021 / 04-Complex Narrative Pictograms 腹語系之四:「圖像資訊分析」,繁複世界繁而不雜
Ventriloquists 2021 / 02-Individual Perspectives 2 腹語系之二:個人故事個人觀點(下)

Ventriloquists 2021 / 02-Individual Perspectives 2 腹語系之二:個人故事個人觀點(下)

Sofya Antonova continues Flynn Hadre’s discovery of individual perspectives to introduce personal stories told with intense photographic intervention. 有些作品值得看,就因為它是作者的個人經歷和生活的過程。繼 Flynn Hadre 的介紹,Sofya Antonova 察看到攝影和活動影像語言的震撼力;聲影不單說故事,更開創了個人經驗。

Ventriloquists 2021 / 00-Narrative as processes, systems and organized randomness opening 17 August with 36 works 《腹語系。微敘思考。2021》繼續開發陳述的藝術
Floating Projects Collective 2025